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今年夏天,中国有色金属报新疆记者站记者、新疆电视台记者、新疆画报社记者一行五人,组成一个联合采访组,从乌鲁木齐出发,沿着准噶尔盆地边缘,去北疆各有色、稀有金属矿山和黄金矿山地质勘探队采访、摄影、录像。这次采访,历时三十五天,行程三千公里。所到的矿山有:哈图金矿、萨尔托海铬矿、可可托海矿务局、达尔恰特矿、喀拉通克铜镍矿、柯鲁木特矿、额尔齐斯河畔的采金地以及铁木尔特铅锌矿地质勘探基地等。这次采访,运用了文字、摄影和录像三种手段,各取所需,分别报道。实践证明,尽管手段不同,但意图一致,配合默契,在联合行动中,文字记者从拍摄现场,加深了视觉印象,活跃了形象思维;摄影、电视记者又从文字记者的选择素材中受到启发,使摄取的画面,更能够突出主题。采访 This summer, reporter from China Nonferrous Metal Press, Xinjiang Press Station, reporter from Xinjiang TV Station and reporter from Xinjiang Pictorial Press formed a joint interview team starting from Urumqi. Along the edge of Junggar Basin, they went to various colored and rare metal mines in the northern part of Xinjiang Gold mine geological exploration team interview, photography, video. This interview lasted 35 days and lasted 3,000 kilometers. To the mine are: Hatu gold, Salto sea chrome, cocoa Tuohai Mining Bureau, Dar Chapet mine, Kalatongke copper nickel ore, cromulu mine, the Irtysh River Mining gold and iron ore lead-zinc geological exploration base and so on. This interview, using text, photography and video three kinds of means, each take the required, respectively, reported. Practice has proved that in spite of different means, they have the same intentions and in line with their tacit understanding. In the joint operation, the written reporters deepened their visual impression from the scene of the filming and actively stimulated the thinking of images. Photographers and television reporters were also inspired by the choice of materials for the reporters. So that the intake of the picture, more able to highlight the theme. Interview
Objective:This article summarizes the experience in the prevention and control of coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19) epidemic in non-isolated areas in a general
利用环境一号小卫星的CCD数据及同步地面观测数据,进行了烟台四十里湾海域透明度的遥感反演研究。结果表明,红蓝波段比值与实测透明度具有较高的相关性,并以此为基础建立了该区域水体透明度的遥感反演模型,反演值与实测值的平均相对误差为8.6%,均方根误差为0.1 m。据此模型绘制了四十里湾水体透明度分布图。研究发现,透明度具有近岸低、远岸高的特点,且从近岸向外海基本呈逐渐递减的趋势。
【摘 要】针对当前课外阅读目标模糊单一的问题,从得德、得言、得智、得趣四个方面重建阅读价值观,能为整本书阅读提供正确的方向。“四得”目标,即让学生通过阅读,学习优秀人物、优美语句、优等策略、优雅情趣,读出更多的感受,取得更多的收获,学着把一本书读通读透,防止浅尝辄止,从而培养良好的阅读习惯,实现阅读的最大价值。  【关键词】整本书阅读;目标引领;价值观  对于整本书阅读,家长认为阅读门槛低,只要
Objective: Caregiver burden is used frequently within the nursing literature.It has not yet been clearly defined as there are different opinions regarding this
较量、竞争,这是多届全国好新闻评选留给我的深刻印象。靠什么较量?靠什么来竞争?这个朦胧的问题,在最近两届全国好新闻评选中使我渐渐明晰:创新! ——通讯《值得思考和探讨
Objective: This study provides a preliminary evaluation of the usability and acceptability of a mobile application (sexual assault care algorithm,SACA).Methods: