【摘 要】
Water distribution and gas supply systems are among the infrastructure systems that have many buried steel pipelines. Corrosion gradually appears inside and outside of the pipe walls over the service
By the end of 2006,China had launched 24 recoverable satellites(FSW)in total.Among them,23 were launched successfully,of which all but one were successfully recovered.Recoverable satellites launched b
Saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) is an important soil hydraulic parameter for charactering the rate of water flow across the soils and is mainly related to its high spatial variability. In a smal
虽然目前边界分离噪声检测(BDND)算法被普遍认为是一种较好的去除图像脉冲噪声方法,然而研究发现当"盐"或"胡椒"噪声污染比例之一超过50%,其性能却急剧下降,几乎无法去噪.为此在BDND算法基础上提出了改进的噪声检测方法(Mod ified BDND),对每个子图,新方法选取与"128"最接近的灰度值作为分界点,从而避免原方法因选取中值为分界点而可能落入污染区域的问题.该方法既可保留BDND算法
Radio frequency identification (RFID) technology has proved to be very effective in industries as diverse as aircraft manufacturing to health and care. The construction industry has been slow to take
The purpose of this research is to propose an early restoration for lifeline systems after earthquake disasters. The previous researches show that the optimization of the restoration schedule by using
The theory of moving frames developed by Peter J Olver and M Fels has impor-tant applications to geometry, classical invariant theory. We will use this theory to classify joint invariants and joint di
Wheeler pointed out that the period of Matthews cha-otic function (MCF) is often too short to be suitable for crypto-graphic usage in the manner of computer statistics,but this state-ment was given on