Ab initio investigation on the structures and spectra of the firefly luciferin

来源 :Science in China(Series B:Chemistry) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuanjie119
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The ground state (S0) geometry of the firefly luciferin (LH2) was optimized by both DFT B3LYP and CASSCF methods. The vertical excitation energies (Tv) of three low-lying states (S1, S2, and S3) were calculated by TD-DFT B3LYP//CASSCF method. The S1 geometry was optimized by CASSCF method. Its Tv and the transition energy (Te) were calculated by MS-CASPT2//CASSCF method. Both the TD-DFT and MS-CASPT2 calculated S1 state Tv values agree with the experimental one. The IPEA shift greatly affects the MS-CASPT2 calculated Tv values. Some important excited states of LH2 and oxyluciferin (oxyLH2) are charge-transfer states and have more than one dominant configuration, so for deeply researching the firefly bioluminescence, the multireference calculations are desired. The ground state (S0) geometry of the firefly luciferin (LH2) was optimized by both DFT B3LYP and CASSCF methods. The vertical excitation energies (Tv) of three low-lying states (S1, S2, and S3) were calculated by TD- The Tv and the transition energy (Te) were calculated by MS-CASPT2 // CASSCF method. Both the TD-DFT and MS-CASPT2 calculated S1 state Tv values Some important states of LH2 and oxyluciferin (oxyLH2) are charge-transfer states and have more than one dominant configuration, so for deeply researching the firefly bioluminescence the multireference calculations are desired.
技工学校《机械制图》课的教学应跟上时代的要求,改革教学内容,突出实用型、技能型的特点,通过多媒体教学,加强实践环节等提高制图教学效果。 The teaching of mechanical d
《语文新课程标准》指出:“要加强语文课程与其他课程和生活的联系,促进学生语文素养的整体推进和协调发展。”语文素养是指学生的一种综合素养,它具有适应生活需要的、整合的、可持续发展前景这样一些特点。而人的生活体验恰恰是发展语文素养的前提条件。因此要培养以促进人的发展为宗旨的语文素养,必须将教育与生活无缝焊接,重建语文教学生活。如何打造生活化的语文课堂呢,笔者对此进行了有效的探索。    一、立足文本,
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