Retinal Symmetry of Multifocal Visual Evoked Potential in Both Eyes of Normal Subjects

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Purpose:.To analyze the retinal symmetry of multifocal visual evoked potential (mfVEP) in both eyes of normal subjects. Methods: The monocular mfVEP in both eyes of 36 normal subjects (72 eyes) were tested with VERIS Science 4.0. The stimulus was the pattern reversal dart array consisted of 60 sectors each including 16 black-white reverse patterns. The visual stimulation was controlled by a binary pseudo-random m-sequence and subtended 25 degrees of retinal region. Results: The mfVEP patterns between left and right eyes of each subject were similar, and P1 latency and amplitude in correspondent visual field quadrants between left and right eyes had no significant difference(P>0.05). The latency of superotemporal visual field quadrant in right eyes was shorter than that of superonasal visual field quadrant in left eyes,and the amplitude of superonasal visual field quadrant in right eyes was longer than that of superotemporal visual field quadrant in left eyes(P<0.05). The P1 latency and amplitude among four visual field quadrants of each eye had significant difference(P<0.05). The P1 latency between the superonasal visual field quadrant and inferotemporal visual field quadrant or between the superonasal visual field quadrant and inferonasal quadrant visual field had significant differences in right or left eyes(P<0.05). Conclusion: The mfVEP of normal subjects exists retinal symmetry. Purpose: .To analyze the retinal symmetry of multifocal visual evoked potential (mfVEP) in both eyes of normal subjects. Methods: The monocular mfVEP in both eyes of 36 normal subjects (72 eyes) were tested with VERIS Science 4.0. stimulus was the pattern reversal dart array consisted of 60 sectors each including 16 black-white reverse patterns. The visual stimulation was controlled by a binary pseudo-random m-sequence and subtended 25 degrees of retinal region. Results: The mfVEP patterns between left and The right eyes of each subject were similar, and P1 latency and amplitude in correspondent visual field quadrants between left and right eyes had no significant difference (P> 0.05). The latency of superotemporal visual field quadrant in right eyes was shorter than that of superonasal visual field quadrant in left eyes, and the amplitude of superonasal visual field quadrant in right eyes was longer than that of superotemporal visual field quadrant in left eyes (P <0.05). The P1 l atency and amplitude among four visual field quadrants of each eye had significant difference (P <0.05). The P1 latency between the superonasal visual field quadrant and inferotemporal visual field quadrant or between the superonasal visual field quadrant and inferonasal quadrant visual field had significant differences in right or left eyes (P <0.05). Conclusion: The mfVEP of normal subjects exists in retinal symmetry.
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