公安部消防局发出通知 要求认真学习胡锦涛总书记“七一”重要讲话 开创消防工作新局面

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7月4日,公安部消防局党委发出通知,要求全国消防部队认真学习贯彻胡锦涛总书记在庆祝中国共产党成立90周年大会上的重要讲话。部队各级党委要充分认清胡锦涛总书记重要讲话的重大意义,认识到讲话是全面推进党的建设新的伟大工程和中国特色社会主义伟大事业的又一篇马克思主义纲领性文献,是加强新形势下消防工作和部队建设的行动指南,以高度的政治责任感,及时作出部署安排,迅速组织传达学习,切实把广大官兵的思想和行 On July 4, the CPC Committee of the Ministry of Public Security Fire Bureau issued a circular calling on the fire brigades throughout the country to conscientiously study and implement the important speech made by General Secretary Hu Jintao at the General Assembly celebrating the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party. The party committees at all levels of the armed forces must fully recognize the great significance of General Secretary Hu Jintao’s important speech and recognize that his speech is yet another Marxist programmatic document that comprehensively advances the great project of party building and the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. In the light of the guidelines on the operation of fire fighting and force building under the current situation, with a high sense of political responsibility, they should make timely arrangements for deployment and promptly organize the transfer of learning so as to effectively integrate the ideas and actions of officers and soldiers
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红我只想做孤独的舞者年青渴盼独至天涯你的眼睛折射出一丝温柔在我心中溶成关爱的粉红于是我收起了假装的冷漠 Red I just want to be a lonely dancer. Young and longin
同学们在复习英语时 ,应从下面几个方面入手。一 .词汇部分“据音想形 ,融词入句”是记忆词语的有效途径 ,此外还可以归类识记 ,如九年义务教育初级中学《英语》第一册 (下 )
英语中how many与how much均有“多少”之意,都用于特殊疑问句之首,它们的用法不一样,学习时,要注意以下几个方面: In English, how many and how much mean there is “ho
一、选择题 (下面每个小题都给出代号为A、B、C、D的四个答案 ,其中只有一个答案是正确的。)1、下列计算正确的是 :A、x6÷x3=x2 ;    B、(-x) 4 ÷ (-x) 2 =-x2 ;C、x5·x2 =x1 0 ;  
笛卡儿(1596年~1650年),法国著名数学家。当笛卡儿还在襁褓中时,他的母亲便离开了人世。小笛卡儿的体质就跟他母亲一样虚弱。8岁时,他入 Descartes (1596 - 1650), a famous
提起我们胖胖的女班长 ,她那墩实的身材在过去的一年可没少在学校的各种颁奖典礼上出现。就连小学的小妹妹都知道我们班有个“胖姐姐”。可见 ,她真是“深入人心” ,“远近闻