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在人对某些事物进行探究时,兴趣的取得可以促进人们的认识更加具有稳定性。由于具有兴趣,人们便有了对某一实际活动继续从事的倾向,这时候,兴趣就变成了真正的爱好。如果一个人培养起了对某一活动的兴趣,那么他在经历的过程中总会带着一种欢喜与满足。同样的,在学习上,学习兴趣的浓厚与否在很大程度上影响了学生求知欲的培养,同时也更容易帮助学生找到自己的学习动力。当学生对英语学习真正感兴趣时,他就可以保证上课时精力的集中和课后作业的高质量完成。不需要别人的督促,他会自觉地寻找一些与英语有关的书籍、电视节目等,以学校或者班级为单位组织的各种与英语有关的活动也会积极地参加。上述过程阐明了任务教学法的特点,对此做一些深入思考。 When people explore certain things, the acquisition of interests can promote people’s awareness more stable. Because of their interest, people tend to be engaged in a particular activity, and then interest becomes a real hobby. If a person cultivates an interest in an activity, he will always have a joy and satisfaction in his journey. Similarly, in learning, the concentration of interest in learning to a large extent affected the curiosity of students, but also easier to help students find their motivation to learn. When students are genuinely interested in learning English, he can ensure that the concentration of time in class and the high quality of homework are accomplished. He will consciously look for English-related books, TV shows, etc. without any supervision from other people. Various English-related activities organized by schools or classes will also participate actively. The above process illustrates the characteristics of the task-based approach and does some thinking about it.
Today is Sunday.I have nothing to do.I see my wardrobe was messy.I think:“ I am 11 years old,I should help my mom with some housework and let my mom happy.” S
I. 语篇阅读 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。  The pursuit of success is a natural human drive. We all desire success in one form or another.  We all pursue happiness most of the time every day. Perhaps you want to get a pr
提示作文(一)  选一张你最喜欢的相片,以“The Story of My Favourite Photo”为题,讲述这张相片背后的故事。  ■  要求:  1. 文中不得出现真实的人名或校名;  2. 词数为80~100;  3. 图示内容仅供参考,可自由发挥。  The Story of My Favourite Photo  提示作文(二)  假如今天你在上学路上看到了一起交通事故——一个骑
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