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开展高等教育评估的主要目的,是通过对高校教育过程进行诊断、评价、调节和控制,推动高校教育工作主动适应现代科技进步和社会经济发展,不断提高人才培养质量、科研水平、社会服务功能和办学效益。高校评估是一项十分重要的工作,无论目标评估、过程评估、条件评估,还是综合评估、单项评估。其结果都直接关系到高校的生存与发展。因此,高校领导十分重视评估工作,坚持以评促改、以评促建的原则,积极开展自评自查工作,尽可能全面地提供本校的信息及资料,以供专家评估检查。这里所说的信息和资料,绝大部分来源于档案。高校档案是高校各方面工作的长期积累,包含了教学、科研、管理等诸多方面的内容,反映了教师、职工、学生各个层面、不同时期的活动、思想发展和经验教训,具有真实性、系统性和完整性,对查考现实情况,了解历史材料,研究某项工作的发展进程及规律性,总结经验教 The main purpose of carrying out higher education assessment is to promote the education of higher learning through proactive adaptation to the progress of modern science and technology and social and economic development by diagnosing, assessing, adjusting and controlling the education process of higher education, continuously improving the quality of personnel training, scientific research, social service functions and School efficiency. University assessment is a very important task, regardless of the target assessment, process assessment, condition assessment, or comprehensive assessment, individual assessment. The results are directly related to the survival and development of colleges and universities. Therefore, the university leaders attach great importance to the assessment work, adhere to the evaluation and reform, to appraise the principle of promoting construction, and actively carry out self-assessment self-assessment work, as far as possible to provide our school information and information for expert assessment examination. Most of the information and materials mentioned here come from archives. The archives of colleges and universities are the long-term accumulation of various fields in colleges and universities, and contain many aspects such as teaching, scientific research and management. They reflect the activities, ideological developments and experiences and lessons of teachers, employees and students at all levels and at different periods. They are authentic, systematic Sex and integrity of the investigation of the reality of the situation, understand the history of materials, research on the development process and regularity of a work summary lessons learned
档案专业教育 ,20世纪的50年代之初就已启动。但是60年代和70年代全社会忙于“三大斗争” ,尤其是阶级斗争 ,档案工作像敝帚一般 ,没有人看重 ,档案专业教育更是冷落了下来。改革开放
横空出世,矩天房,环球几亿同享。经书一部三十卷,包览天下文章。六大信仰,五大功课,信众心中藏。千年辉煌,永载世界史册。 而今我朝天房,不怕路遥,笑谈困难缺。试待麦加城