,Traffic control devices for deterring wrong-way driving: Historical evolution and current practice

来源 :Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering(English Ed | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kinglesssss
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Each year, hundreds of fatal wrong-way driving(WWD) crashes occur across the United States. Thousands of injuries are reported in crashes caused by wrong-way drivers. Traffic control devices(TCDs), i.e., signs, pavement markings, and signals, have been introduced since 1935 to combat this problem. The aim of the paper is to provide a complete history of TCDs for deterring WWD on freeways and divided highways in previous versions of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices(MUTCD)(1935-2009). A fully referenced overview of definitions, text passages, and figures of the TCDs, employed to deter WWD in all MUTCD versions, will be given to characterize the changes over time. In addition, the efforts that have been made by state department of transportation(DOT) especially over the past few years to aggressively attack WWD by deploying standard TCDs are reviewed.Finally, the paper makes conclusions and recommendations with regard to the necessity of a revision in the next edition of MUTCD for WWD TCDs. The investigation of changes and the current practice leave a trail to enable traffic engineers and policy makers to consider past decisions and their effectiveness in combating WWD, as well as providing a reference to determine whether or not their jurisdiction meets the MUTCD standards. Each year, hundreds of fatal wrong-way driving (WWD) crashes occur across the United States. Thousands of injuries are reported in crashes caused by wrong-way drivers. Traffic control devices (TCDs), ie, signs, pavement marksings, and signals , have been introduced since 1935 to combat this problem. The aim of the paper is to provide a complete history of TCDs for deterring WWD on freeways and divided highways in previous versions of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) (1935-2009 A fully referenced overview of definitions, text passages, and figures of the TCDs, employed to deter WWD in all MUTCD versions, will be given to characterize the changes over time. In addition, the efforts that have been made by state department of transportation (DOT) especially over the past few years to aggressively attack WWD by deploying standard TCDs are reviewed. Finally, the paper makes conclusions and recommendations with regard to the necessity of a revision in the next edition of MUTC D for WWD TCDs. The investigation of changes and the current practice leave a trail to enable traffic engineers and policy makers to consider past decisions and their effectiveness in combating WWD, as well as Providing a reference to determine whether or not their jurisdiction meets the MUTCD standards.
【摘要】《建筑工程施工组织》课程是我校建筑工程技术及工程造价专业的专业课程,实践性较强,在教学过程中,采用“任务引领”模式,通过“知识+实例+实践”方式展开教学。  【关键词】施工管理;实践;课堂革命  【中图分类号】G712.0;TU721-4 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)36-0124-01  引言  “面向全体学生,注重学生发展”,如何更好地展开《建筑工程施工
Over the last 20 years road pavement imaging has become a routine output from annual pavement assessment survey regimes across the world. Hitherto the tradition
【摘要】在当今经济高速发展的时代,环境教育的重要性也日趋显现。环境教育是初中地理教育重要组成部分,两者密切关联。环境教育的最终目的是让学生树立环保意识,用实际行动从身边小事做起,做到真正的环境保护。但在我国目前的初中地理教育中,环境教育存在明显错位的现象。这个现象若是长期得不到纠正和改善,容易造成我国学生环保意识薄弱,环保应对能力较差等问题,直接影响我国可持续发展。  【关键词】地理教育;环境教育