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1983~1985年以粳型光敏感核不育水稻农垦58为母本,98个早、中、晚籼稻品种为父本杂交育成了籼型光敏感核不育水稻1系(中稻类型)和2系(早稻类型)。在选育过程中,通过多做组合,扩大F_2代群体,严格鉴定选择等方法,克服了杂种后代分离大,有利变异少,籼粳杂交不育与核不育难以区分的困难,并在较低世代育成了稳定的矮稈籼型光敏感核不育水稻。实践证明,光敏感核不育基因可以导入籼稻和粳稻之中,其不育性与亲本的感光性无关,能独立遗传,只要在长日照下即能表达。 From 1983 to 1985, the first line (middle-rice type) and the second line (indica-sensitive genic male sterile line) of indica rice with photo-sensitive genic male sterile rice Nongken 58 as female parent and 98 early, middle and late indica rice as male parent were bred Department (early rice type). In the process of breeding, it is difficult to distinguish between indica-japonica CMS and nuclear infertility through more combinations, expanding F_2 generation population, and strictly identifying and selecting methods to overcome the problems of large segregation of offspring, less favorable mutation, The lower generation bred into a stable dwarf indica-type photo-sensitive nuclear sterile rice. Practice has proved that light-sensitive nuclear sterile genes can be introduced into indica and japonica, its infertility has nothing to do with the sensitivity of the parent, can be independently inherited, as long as it can be expressed in the long sunshine.
一、胰腺癌外周血miRNAs表达谱的建立及hsa-miR-125a-5p在胰腺癌中的表达及功能的初步验证   胰腺癌是一种恶性程度高、预后极差的消化系统恶性肿瘤,5年生存率约为6%。因胰
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