Repeatability of Ophtha Top topography and comparison with IOL-Master and LenstarL S900 in cataract

来源 :International Journal of Ophthalmology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuxiaohe19861111
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AIM: To determine the repeatability of Ophtha Top topography and assess the consistency with intraocular lens(IOL)-Master and LenstarL S900(Lenstar) in measuring corneal parameters among cataract patients.METHODS: Totally 125 eyes were enrolled. Corneas were successively measured with Ophtha Top, IOL-Master and Lenstar at least three times. The flattest meridian power(Kf), the steepest meridian power(Ks), mean power(Km), J0 and J45 were recorded. Intra-class correlation coefficients(ICCs), the coefficient of variance(COV),within subject standard deviation(Sw), and test-retest repeatability(2.77 Sw) were adopted to determine the repeatability. The 95% limit of agreement(95%LOA) and Bland-Altman plots were used to assess comparability.RESULTS: Repeatability of Ophtha Top topography for measuring corneal parameters showed the ICCs were all above 0.93, 2.77 Sw was lower than 0.31, and the COV of the Kf and Ks was lower than 0.25. The keratometric readings with Ophtha Top topography were flatter than with the IOLMaster and Lenstar devices, while the Pearson correlation coefficients were over 0.97. The J0 and J45 with Ophtha Top topography were smaller compared with Lenstar and IOL-Master, while was comparable between Lenstar and IOL-Master.CONCLUSION: Ophtha Top topography shows excellent repeatability for measuring corneal parameters. However,differences between the Ophtha TOP topography and Lenstar, IOL-Master both in cornea curvature and the astigmatism should be noted clinically. AIM: To determine the repeatability of Ophtha Top Topography and assess the consistency with intraocular lens (IOL) -Master and Lenstar L S900 (Lenstar) in measuring corneal parameters among cataract patients. METHODS: Totally 125 eyes were enrolled. Corneas were successively measured with Ophthal Top, IOL-Master and Lenstar at least three times. The flattest meridian power (Kf), the steepest meridian power (Ks), mean power (Km), J0 and J45 were recorded. Intra-class correlation coefficients (ICCs), the The 95% limit of agreement (95% LOA) and Bland-Altman plots were used to determine the degree of variance (COV), within subject standard deviation (Sw), and test-retest repeatability assess comparability .RESULTS: Repeatability of Ophtha Top Topography for measuring corneal parameters showed the ICCs were all above 0.93, 2.77 Sw was lower than 0.31, and the COV of the Kf and Ks was lower than 0.25. The keratometric readings with Ophtha Top Topography were fl atter than with the IOLMaster and Lenstar devices, while the Pearson correlation coefficients were over 0.97. The J0 and J45 with Ophtha Top Topography were smaller than with Lenstar and IOL-Master, while was comparable between Lenstar and IOL-Master. CONCLUSION: Ophtha Top topography shows excellent repeatability for measuring corneal parameters. However, differences between the Ophtha TOP topography and Lenstar, IOL-Master both in cornea curvature and the astigmatism should be noted clinically.
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