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在靠近巴西利亚的塔夸里地区,建筑师Ney Lima为一对有意愿生孩子的夫妇建造了一所住宅。一棵树的参与使房屋尤为引人注目。住宅保留了一棵原产自稀树草原的树,以此为起点.建筑师建造了一座呈“U字型”的两层住宅,成为当地住宅的亮点。建筑主体拥有白色的背景墙,两侧饰以仿古陶瓷涂层,整体类似于戈亚斯州(Gois)的传统土坯房屋。住宅入口被做成一个裸露的混凝土框架,耐候钢大门与水泥形成鲜明的对照,同时与赤陶色的外部涂层和谐统一。圆形与透明的元素被重复运用到墙体上。墙体设置了类似于中式古典园林的圆门,连起树与休闲区之间沟通的视线,又如画框定格此时此刻的美景。大面积落地玻璃窗则将自然景色引入室内。 Architect Ney Lima built a home for a couple who are interested in having children in the Taquali district near Brasilia. The participation of a tree made the house especially noticeable. Starting with a tree originally from savannah, the architect built a two-story house in a “U shape” that became a highlight of the local dwelling. The main body of the building has a white background wall with antique ceramic finishes on both sides, resembling a traditional adobe house in Gois. The residential entrance was made as a bare concrete frame, the door of the weathering steel in sharp contrast to the cement, while being harmonized with the terracotta exterior coating. Round and transparent elements are repeatedly applied to the wall. Wall set up similar to the Chinese classical garden of the round gate, even between the trees and leisure areas to communicate the line of sight, but also such as picture frame at this moment of beauty. Large floor-to-ceiling windows bring natural scenery into the room.
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