
来源 :中学生数学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:coralcn
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数学在人类文明的发展中起着非常重要的作用,数学推动了重大的科学技术进步.但在历史上,限于技术条件,依据数学推理和推算所作的预见,往往要多年之后才能实现.数学为人类生产和生活带来的效益容易被忽视.进入20世纪,尤其是到了20世纪中叶以后,科学技术发展到这一步:数学理论研究与实际应用之间的时间差已大夫缩短.特别是当前,随着电脑应用的普及,信息的数字化和信息通道的大规模联网,依据数学所作的创造设想已经达到可即时试验、即时实施的地步.数学技术将是一种应用最广泛、最直接、最及时、最富创造力和重要的实用技术. Mathematics plays a very important role in the development of human civilization, and mathematics has promoted major scientific and technological advancement. However, in history, limited by the technical conditions, the predictions based on mathematical reasoning and inference have often taken years to come true. The benefits of human production and life are easily overlooked. Into the 20th century, especially after the mid-20th century, science and technology developed to this point: the time difference between the study of mathematical theory and practical application has been shortened by the doctor. Especially at present, With the popularization of computer applications, the digitization of information, and the large-scale networking of information channels, the concept of mathematics has reached the point where it can be immediately tested and implemented in real time. Mathematical technology will be the most widely used, most direct, and most timely. The most creative and important practical technology.
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笔者在文 [1 ]中曾作过“解题研究的现状分析” ,在指出“健康主流”的七个方面之后 ,列举了四个方面的片面认识与盲目实践 .其中对解题研究的误区作了这样的描述 :“首先一
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早在 2 0世纪 6 0年代初期 ,有关学者就预测未来信息技术的发展和普及运用将会对社会经济发展产生巨大影响 ,并产生所谓的“信息产业”和“信息社会”。 6 0年代末期 ,日本学
在数学教育中 ,问题提出长期处于问题解决的阴影之下 .但是 ,最近十年以来 ,研究者开始意识到问题提出的潜力 ,对于把问题提出活动融入数学课堂必要性的认识也不断深入 .研究
她毕竟是个弱女子,她勇敢地捐出了眼角膜,救治一个更需要眼角膜的患者。捐出眼角膜的她术后感到不适,她将医院告上法庭。由此也引发了国内活体器官捐献第一案。 After all,