That year I Was Eleven(Ⅰ)那年我11岁

来源 :中学生英语:初中版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gellycgy
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On my eleventh birthday I did not know that getting something doesn't mean it will always be yours.
1.The same is true for these verbs:hit,hurt,let,cut.(L.84)动词hit,hurt,let和cut也存在同样的情形。
<正> The first thing we didWas pound out straightSome nails,then we foundA carton and crate
It happened in late February
在下列每句里均多一词构成该句错误,请识辨,并改正。1. I wonder that if she will come tonight 2.The letter i got it yesterday is from my sister.3.It is cold today you
例1、树木越来越多。误:The number of trees are getting larger and larger.正:The number of trees is getting larger and larger.析:“the number of”虽接复数可数名词,但它
Diner:Waiter,there is a fly in my soup!Waiter:All right,I’ll get you a fork!就餐者:服务员,我的汤里有只苍蝇!服务员:好的,我去给你拿把叉子!
每年4月1日是欧美一些国家传统的节日April Fool&#39;s Day。在这一天,人们尽可开各种玩笑捉弄对方,甚至搞些恶作剧,但最好无伤大雅,不要造成太大的伤害。关于愚人节的由来,有两种
写出下列各缩略词的汉语意思。P&#183;m.2.IOCPLA 4.VIPCCTV 6.ITWTO 8.EMSIQ 10,CCP、,夕BII“3气︶7术C)根据句意和首字母提示,拼写单词。一H old一I’m eleven.一Are you in