
来源 :思想政治工作研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bear81
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各省、自治区、直辖市及新疆生产建设兵团思想政治工作研究会,全国性行业(系统)思想政治工作研究会:《思想政治工作研究》杂志是中共中央宣传部主管、中国思想政治工作研究会和中宣部思想政治工作研究所主办的,旨在推动思想政治工作理论研究和实践的全国公开发行刊物,是党在意识形态领域的重要阵地,是全国重点社科期刊,是学习宣传贯彻习近平同志8·19重要讲话精神的理论和实践园地。在各级党委宣传部门及政研会的支持下,杂志已成为全国宣传思想文化战线和广大思想政治工作者、思想政治工作研究人员的共有园 Research Seminar on Ideological and Political Work of All Provinces, Autonomous Regions, Municipalities directly under the Central Government, and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, and Seminar on Ideological and Political Work in the Nationwide Industry (System): “Ideological and Political Work Research” Magazine is the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee, The national public offering of publications, sponsored by the Propaganda Department’s ideological and political work institute and designed to promote the study and practice of the ideological and political work theory, is an important front for the party in the field of ideology. It is a key social science periodical in China and a platform for studying and propagandizing Comrade Xi Jinping. · 19 important speech theory and practice of spiritual field. With the support of propaganda departments of Party committees at all levels and the political research conference, the magazine has become the common park for propagating the ideological and political fronts and the majority of ideological and political workers and researchers in ideological and political work across the country.
本文试就毛泽东同志在革命根据地和建国初期,在经济工作方面的理论与实践的论述,总结其有益的方面,为今天建设有中国特色的社会主义理论提供经验借鉴。 This article tries to
美国海军特种作战司令部选定的M60/Mk43 7.62mm通用机枪由于可靠性不佳而少有人问津,如今新式Mk487.62mm轻机枪正取而代之。Mk48并非全新的轻机枪,其“前辈”是享誉全球的FN
[ChanHL ,TangJL ,TamW ,etal .TheefficacyofthymosininthetreatmentofchronichepatitisBvirusinfection :ameta analysis .AlimentPharmacolTher,2 0 0 1,15 ( 12 )∶1899~9
塑造收入分配新机制:注重效率 倡导公正──学习《中共中央关于建立社会主义市场经济体制若干问题的决定》傅殷才,王根蓓自由竞争(或"有效竞争",或"公平竞争")下的经济效率,会赋予一个社会集约化经济增长以强劲而持久的动力,这是市场经济体制较之其他经济组织...
  瘦素(leptin)作为肥胖基因(ob基因)编码的蛋白产物,自1994年被证实以来一直是肥胖研究的热点。1998 年 Potter[1在活化的肝星状细胞中发现瘦素的 mRNA和蛋白质后,人们开