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我校叶枝英老师是—年二期的班主任。本期开学后,她从学生家庭、食堂访问中了解到有一些儿童不爱惜粮食。如李儒海每次吃饭掉饭很多,食堂同志叫他检起来喂鸡他都不检。李代超常常碗里剩饭,有时还把剩饭倒在尿坑氹里,或拿了去逗蚂蚁玩。为了通过一次周会课来对儿童进行“爱惜粮食”的教育,经与学校研究后,确定由叶老师在一年二期举行一次以“爱惜粮食”为主题的周会公开教学。琨将叶老师在第九周的一堂周会课公开教学介绍如下:一、主题:不浪费一粒饭二、目的要求:使儿童认识米饭是农民伯伯辛辛苦苦种出来的;认识哪些是浪费粮食的现象;激发儿童以实际行动爱惜粮食,不浪费一粒饭。三、课前准备:叶老师预先在小盆里种了一(?)禾秧;把上海画片出版社出版李慕白作的“不浪费一粒饭”的画片挂在教室里,让儿童阅览;教儿童唱会“儿童歌选第九集”中的“我是一粒米”歌。四、教学过程及内容:周会开始,叶老师把长禾的小盆放在讲台上,把“不浪费一粒饭”的画片挂在 My teacher Yezhigang teacher - year two class teacher. After the current school, she learned from the students' families and canteens that some children do not care for food. Such as Li Ruhai every meal go down a lot of food, canteens comrades told him seized chicken he hello. Lee on behalf of the super bowl often leftovers, and sometimes also leftovers in the urine pit Taipa, or took a funny ant to play. In order to educate children on “cherishing food” through a weekly meeting, after studying with the school, it was decided that Professor Ye would hold a weekly teaching with the theme of “cherishing food” in the second phase of the year. Kun will be the teacher in the ninth week of the week of weekly teaching openly introduced as follows: First, the theme: do not waste a meal Second, the purpose of the requirements: to make children know rice is peasant uncle Bocin painstakingly; recognize what is waste Food phenomenon; stimulate children to take practical action to cherish food, do not waste a meal. Third, pre-preparation: leaf in advance in the small pot planted a (?) Wo Yang; published by the Shanghai Pudong Press Li Mubai made “do not waste a meal,” the picture hanging in the classroom, so that children read; teach Children's singing “Children's Songs Episode ninth” in the “I am a grain of rice” song. Fourth, the teaching process and content: Week will begin, Ye teacher Long Wo's small pot on the podium, the “do not waste a meal,” the picture hanging
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各省、市、自治区教育厅、局: 据了解,全国各地小学校中,有很多学校机械地规定儿童背着手听讲。我们认为,要求学生上课时坐得端正,集中精力听课是应该的,但机械地让小学生背