Height growth of Korean pine plantation sapling in Benxi, Liaoning Province, China

来源 :Journal of Forestry Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:william1212
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The height growth of Korean pine plantation was investigated for different ages of saplings in Benxi city of the eastern Liaoning, China. The sapling and seedling age were determined by branch annuals. Results show that the mean height of third- to eight-year Korean pines ranges from 13.31 cm to 111.73 cm and only 19.4% of the saplings reached the height above 130 cm. The height (Y) of eight-year-old Korean pine increases linearly with the increment of ground stem (x) (Y=3.1x+35.15). The relation between height and age can be described by an exponential equation. The second year after planting of the Korean pine is considered as the key period of Korean pine growth really adapting to the local environment; plantation management should be strengthened in this year. The Korean pine seedlings need two years to adapt to the local environment, thus early care and management should be taken in the second year. The height growth of Korean pine plantation was investigated for different ages of saplings in Benxi city of the eastern Liaoning, China. The sapling and seedling age were determined by branch annuals. Results show that the mean height of third- to eight-year Korean pines The ranges from 13.31 cm to 111.73 cm and only 19.4% of the saplings reached the height above 130 cm. The height (Y) of eight-year-old Korean pine increases linearly with the increment of ground stem (x) (Y = 3.1x The relation between height and age can be described by an exponential equation. The second year after planting of the Korean pine is considered as the key period of Korean pine growth really adapting to the local environment; plantation management should be strengthened in this year. The Korean pine seedlings need two years to adapt to the local environment, thus early care and management should be taken in the second year.
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