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2000年4月,我们迎来又一个“世界地球日”(4月22日)。地球,茫茫宇宙里转动的一颗蓝色星球,人类赖以生存的家园。地球,我们只有一个。随着全球人口的增长和工农业的发展,让人痛心的是,我们的水资源在减少,地球不再那么蓝了;我们的森林在锐减,地球不再那么绿了;野生动物的种群在消匿,地球生物不再那么丰富多采了……保护环境,保护自然,就是保护我们人类自己;保护环境,保护自然,是时代赋予我们的神圣职责。为配合“世界地球日”的到来,本期特刊登《“野人密林”里的民兵哨》长篇通讯。 在林海茫茫的鄂西北神农架国家自然保护区,没有繁华的街市,没有舒适的生活,没有依偎的情侣……但是,这里有三代6名优秀民兵儿女,在一年有9个月是冰霜期,长年大雾迷漫,狂风呼啸,飞雪满天,气温最低达零下40度,氧气不及山下70%,而且随时会遭到不法分子和野兽袭击的情况下,用青春年华肩负着原始森林防火、生物资源保护等神圣职责。他们没有用青春换取个人的东西,没用青春赌明天,而是为了保护自然默默奉献。 April 2000, usher in another “Earth Day” (April 22). Earth, a blue planet turning in the boundless universe, the homeland upon which mankind depends. Earth, we have only one. With the growth of the global population and the development of agriculture and industry, it is sad that our water resources are decreasing and the Earth is no longer so blue. Our forests are plummeting and the Earth is no longer green. The wildlife population In the disappearance of hiding, the Earth’s life is no longer so rich and colorful ...... The protection of the environment, the protection of nature, is to protect our human beings; the protection of the environment, the protection of nature is the sacred duty given to us by the times. To tie in with the arrival of “Earth Day”, special issue of this issue “” Savage Jungle “militia post” long newsletter. In the boundless Linhai Shennongjia National Nature Reserve northwest Hubei, there is no downtown, there is no comfortable life, there is no snuggle couple ... However, there are three generations of six outstanding militia children in the year nine months is the frost period, Long years of foggy, wind whistling, flying snow, temperatures as low as minus 40 degrees, less than 70% under the mountain of oxygen, and at any time will be attacked by lawless elements and wild beasts case, with prime of life bear the primeval forest fire prevention, Biological resources protection and other sacred responsibilities. They did not use their youth for personal things, useless youth to gamble tomorrow, but to protect nature’s silent dedication.
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电力弹性系数法是经济平稳发展时期中长期电力市场需求预测的常用方法对我国经济增长与电力弹性系数的发展变化进行理论和实证分析可以得出以下初步结论: 1结合电力消费弹性
在现代科学技术迅猛发展的推动下 ,世界范围的军事变革方兴未艾 ,使我军现代化水平与现代战争需要不相适应的矛盾愈加突出。党中央、中央军委顺应时代潮流 ,审时度势 ,明确提