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在《水电建设项目财务评价实施细则》的上网电量和售电量计算中,引出了有效电量的概念,并明确水电项目的发电量要按有效电量计算。而实际上设计与实际是有差别的,不可能用有效电量去替代设计电量和实际的电量。相对有效电量而言,虽然多年平均发电量是个近似值,但是经过多年的实践验证,结果是比较符合实际的。电价的大小直接影响建设项目的财务评价指标,应将电价作为评判项目财务可行与否的重要因素之一。目前,评判一个项目是否可行,首先要看其财务内部收益率是否大于本行业的基准收益率,并且项目的财务内部收益率越大,说明其盈利能力越强,反之获利能力越低,而且在新的条件下应有新的基准收益率。 In the calculation of the on-grid electricity and electricity sales of the Detailed Implementation Rules for Financial Assessment of Hydropower Projects, the concept of effective electricity consumption is derived and the power generation of hydropower projects is calculated according to the effective electricity consumption. In fact, the design and practice are different, it is impossible to replace the design of electricity and the actual amount of electricity. Relatively effective electricity, although the average annual power generation is an approximation, but after many years of practical verification, the result is more realistic. The size of the electricity price directly affects the financial evaluation index of the construction project, and should regard the electricity price as one of the important factors to judge the financial viability of the project. At present, judging whether a project is feasible depends on whether its financial internal rate of return is greater than the benchmark rate of return of the industry, and the larger the financial internal rate of return of a project, the stronger its profitability and the lower its profitability. Moreover, Under the new conditions should have a new benchmark rate of return.
Chemical properties of the superheavy elements are expected to be strongly influenced by relativistic effects. Until recently,the gas-chemistry of element 105(D
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金线鲃和大理裂腹鱼同大头鲤一样,是我国云南特有的珍贵经济鱼类。 金线鲃是鲤科、鲃亚科、金线鲃属的鱼类。它体长而侧扁,头后背部隆起,头背部及侧线以上有不规则的黑色斑块,吻
四川卫视一个讨论川菜的节目中(2002年8月12日),主持人向魏明伦先生请教何为“宫保鸡丁”,魏说:“宫保是四川总督丁宝桢的官称。宫保是总督的别称。”此说有误。 关于“宫保
The solid phase extration disks method for analyzing radiostontium was developed in recent years. This method uses thin membranes consisting of small functional