
来源 :民商法争鸣 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huangxl2000
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《侵权责任法》于2009年12月26日通过、2010年7月1日起实施,该法是中国民法典的重要组成部分,对规范各种侵权行为,保护受害人利益必将发挥重要作用。该法第五章对产品侵权责任作了专门规定,该章紧跟总则之后,彰显了其在侵权责任法中的重要地位。一、产品侵权责任规定与《侵权责任法》总则、《食品安全法》、《产品质量法》1、产品侵权责任规定与总则。在适用相关法律时,产品侵权责任案件当然受《侵权责任法》总则调整。 Tort Law was passed on December 26, 2009 and came into force on July 1, 2010. It is an important part of Chinese civil code and will play an important role in regulating various infringements and protecting the interests of victims . The fifth chapter of the law made specific provisions on the liability for product infringement. After following the General Provisions, the chapter demonstrated its important position in tort liability law. First, the product liability and the tort tort liability, “Food Safety Law”, “Product Quality Law” 1, product liability and the general rules of tort liability. When applying the relevant laws, the product infringement liability cases are of course subject to the general provisions of the Tort Liability Act.
荷叶婷婷遮水面,  荷花含笑荷叶间。  蜻蜓停在荷花上,  展翅倒立作表演。  青蛙呱呱把歌唱,  赞美夏日景色美。
胖胖今天要和妈妈去放风筝。你扔个纸,如果纸往北飞,说明刮南风,如果往东飞,说明刮西风。以此类推。一会儿,胖胖回来了~胖胖,先去外面看看刮什么风。 Chubby and mother go f
夜深人静,城市的喧哗渐渐被如水的月色沉淀。坐在桌前,忽然听到窗外传来呢哝之音,若有若无、似近又远。聆耳辨认,是蟋蟀的低吟,宛如一位悠闲慵懒的琴手,在一根细弦 The dead
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Nanocrystalline diamond (NCD) film deposition on pure titanium and Ti alloys is extraordinarily difficult because of the high diffusion coefficient of carbon in
《农业机械》1981年第9期,《用二极管扩大灯泡电压》一文中说:将3.8伏灯泡(串二极管后)接在6伏交流电源上能延长灯泡寿命……。我认为这样做只会缩短其寿命。原因如下: 交流
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