节约粮食 发展果酒

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今年伊始,有32个部、委、局中央国家机关及部分省、市作出决定:公务宴请不喝白酒。“决定”引起了全国各行各业的响应和社会的广泛关注。 田于我国人口不断增长,对粮食的需求不断增加,所以粮食问题已成为我国经济工作的头等大事。解决粮食问题,一方面要增产粮食,另一方面要节约粮食,而提倡少喝白酒对节约粮食有着重要的意义。因为,生产白酒的原料主要是高粱、小麦、大麦、大米、糯米等粮食作物,如果按每吨白酒耗粮 At the beginning of this year, there were 32 ministries, commissions, and bureaus and state and state agencies and some provinces and cities made the decision: The official banquet did not drink liquor. “Decision” has aroused the response of all walks of life in the country and the widespread concern of the society. Tian Yu’s population has grown continuously, and the demand for food has been increasing. Therefore, the food issue has become a top priority for China’s economic work. To solve the food problem, on the one hand, it is necessary to increase grain production. On the other hand, it is necessary to save food, and advocating the use of less liquor is of great significance for saving food. Because the raw materials for the production of white wine are mainly grain crops such as sorghum, wheat, barley, rice, and barley, if the consumption per ton of white spirit
市场竞争的驱动,政府的积极鼓励,“十家争雄”变为“三家称霸”。 90年代初以来,美国国内掀起了本世纪第五次企业兼并浪潮,军工企业最早拉开了兼并热的序幕。据统计,从1990
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