
来源 :民间传奇故事(A卷) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:faycbl
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20世纪六七十年代,学校是放秋麦假,不放暑假。每次放假,家里大人就让我看弟弟,腾空让大人去地里干活,好挣工分养家糊口。那年秋假,娘让10岁的我在家照看刚刚3岁的弟弟。弟弟非常淘气,好玩好动,好吃好喝。因为当时国家内忧外患,处在极端贫困时期,人们的生活水平相当低,弟弟每顿吃不饱,白天我照看时总是要这要那,我急得不行,左哄右哄,好长时间才能哄他不哭不闹。那时,我们家虽然穷,但因为我父亲挣工资,家里也有毛二八分的零花钱。零花钱总是放 Sixties and seventies of the 20th century, the school is to leave the autumn leave, do not put the summer vacation. Every time I leave home, adults let me see my brother, vacated for adults to work in the ground, so earn the living division of the family life. That fall and autumn, mother let 10-year-old I was at home to take care of just 3-year-old brother. My brother is very naughty, fun and actionable, delicious drink. Because at that time, the country was suffering from internal and external troubles. During the period of extreme poverty, people’s standard of living was rather low. Every younger brother had to eat enough. I always wanted this during the day, and I was anxious to do so. To coax him to cry noisy. At that time, although our family was poor, but my father earned wages, the family also had 28 cents pocket money. Always spend pocket money
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