If You Are Happy,I Am Happy Too

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<正>IN Beijing’s tourist-oriented Jiugulou Street, there is a flower vendor with a difference-he conducts his business dressed up as a clown. Originally from east China’s Shandong Province, Xiao Song is the proprietor of the Beijing Clown Flower Shop
<正>SOCIAL accountability is now an important aspect of the Chinese enterprise business agenda. In this age of economic globalization, competitive advances from
<正>Consistent strengthening of stock market regulation and order is making Chinese investment behavior less speculative and more rational.By October 2007,the s
Xu Wenrong assembled 120 construction teams from the surrounding villages,and within a few months,director Xie Jin had his Canton streets.
<正>TIAN Weizhao gave less than his full attention to the National People&#39;s Congress last March. In his capacity as director of the Sichuan Provincial Envir
摘 要:随着人们物质文化生活水平的提高,人们对生活的追求不仅仅体现在吃饱穿暖的要求上了,更多的追求精神上的享受和生活质量的提高,因此,人们在旅游方面的消费支出越来越多,城市中的旅游景区是人们主要进行旅游消费的重要场所,因而旅游景区在城市规划整体中的布局建设就显得尤为重要。文章对城市总体规化中旅游景区的规划设计进行分析。  关键词:城市旅游景区;设计规划;城市规划;机遇;挑战  中图分类号:TU98