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市场活动空间是多维的,所以描述其活动的基础变量应该是矢量或者张量,但由于缺乏经济行为活动的背景空间,故把变量归结为一系列没有方向的标量。为寻找价值和价格表征为矢量形式的数理定义,更好地对经济学进行测度进而走精确化道路,以及更全方位地和自然进行对话,克服经济系统在调节部分自然问题上的乏力。根据惯性和劳动力假设,借助行为分析工具即矢量,先用一组正交且完备的指标分量构造商品的功能距离空间,并在其基础上定义影响价值的供给项因子即生产路线和劳动力,以及调制价值生成价格的反映消费者偏好的需求项因子即价格函数和赋价路线,并分析其间的相互作用。给出价值取决于供给项因子的命题,其表征为劳动力与按照其作用的生产路线的矢量点乘,即劳动力做的功;而价格在受供给项因子影响的同时,其还受需求项因子“赋价路线”的调制,其表征为劳动力、赋价方向以及生产路线在赋价路线上的投影间的矢量点乘,即劳动力做的有用功。最后为陈述价值和价格的关系,通过引入价值的表达系数,给出价值和价格的深层联络;同时为更好地理解价值和价格生成的推导过程,用实例加以演示。 The space for market activity is multidimensional, so the basic variables describing its activities should be vectors or tensors. However, due to the lack of background space for economic activities, the variables are reduced to a series of non-directional scalars. In order to find the mathematical definition of value and price as a vector form, we should better measure the economics so as to refine the road and conduct a more comprehensive dialogue with nature so as to overcome the weakness of the economic system in regulating some of the natural issues. According to the assumption of inertia and labor, with the help of behavioral analysis tools, namely vectors, the functional distance space of goods is first constructed with a set of orthogonal and complete indicator components, on the basis of which supply-line factors that affect value are defined as production routes and labor forces, and The modulation value generates a demand-factor factor that reflects the consumer’s preference, namely the price function and the price-giving route, and analyzes the interaction between them. Given the proposition that the value depends on the supply term factor, which is characterized by the vector dot product of the labor force and the production route according to its role, that is, the work done by the labor force; while the price is affected by the supply factor, it is also affected by the demand factor “Price Route ” modulation, which is characterized by a vector point multiplication between the projection of the labor force, the direction of the price, and the production route on the price-giving route, ie, the useful work done by the labor force. Finally, to describe the relationship between value and price, we introduce the deep connection of value and price by introducing the expression coefficient of value. At the same time, to demonstrate the derivation process of value and price generation better,
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