
来源 :物理教学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liuling
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感应起电机在结构和原理上都较复杂,不易为中学生所接受,故在现行中学课本中已被删去.但在静电现象的演示实验中,它仍占有重要地位.过去由于制造的质量较差和使用的不当,一架崭新的感应起电机,使用不久就不能起电了.一般人都认为感应起电机只能在天气较干燥时使用,在潮湿的天气里不能起电是当然的事.以前我们也有同样的看法,从来不加以研究.最近华东师大物理系勤工俭学综合修理部接受了修理一批完整而不能起电的感应起电机的任务,这对我们有很大的启发.师大应面向中学,解决中学存在的问题.如果不彻底解决感应起电机起电的问题,中学很多静电实验就不能顺利地进行.在总路线光辉的照耀 The induction motor is more complex in structure and principle, and it is not easy for middle school students to accept. Therefore, it has been deleted in the current middle school textbooks. However, it still occupies an important position in the static electricity demonstration experiment. In the past, due to the quality of manufacturing, Poor and improper use, a brand-new induction motor, can not be electrified soon after use. Most people think that the induction motor can only be used when the weather is dry, in the wet weather can not electrify is of course. In the past, we also had the same opinion and never studied it. Recently, the comprehensive repair department of the Department of Physics and Engineering of East China Normal University accepted the task of repairing a batch of induction motors that could not be electrified. This has inspired us greatly. Should face the middle school to solve the problems existing in the middle school. If you do not completely solve the problem of induction motor starting electricity, many static experiments in middle school can not be carried out smoothly. Shining in the general line
On Oliver’s ninth birthday,Mr Bumble the beadle came to the house tosee Mrs Mann.Through the front window Mrs Mann saw him at the gate.andturned quickly to th
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