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融杀蚧螨可湿性粉剂是从松、柏、楝、杉和辣蓼等有杀虫作用的植物组织,经蒸馏、提炼、催化和合成、粉碎、烘干,再粉碎制成的植物性杀虫、杀螨剂。是一种广谱,对人畜和环境安全的新药剂。矢尖蚧、柑桔全爪螨、柑桔始叶螨、柑桔锈螨和侧多食跗线螨等,是柑桔上的主要害虫,常在生产上造成巨大的损失。由于年发生代数多,种群数量大,加之个体微小,借风力传播,在防治上以往多用氧化乐果、三氯杀螨醇等有机磷、 Melt-killing scale and mite WP is from pine, cypress, neem, spruce and Polygonum insecticidal effect of plant tissue, distillation, refining, catalysis and synthesis, crushing, drying, Insects, acaricides. Is a broad spectrum of new agents for the safety of humans and animals and the environment. Cornucopiae, citrus red mite, citrus green leaf spider mite, citrus rust mite and the side of the food line mites, etc., is the main pest on citrus, often causing huge losses in production. As the annual occurrence of algebra, the large number of populations, combined with the individual small, spread by wind, in the past on the prevention and treatment with omethoate, dicofol and other organic phosphorus,
83增抗剂是由北京农业大学教授裘维蕃等研究成功的我国第一例植物耐病毒诱导剂。 83增抗剂可钝化植物体内的病毒,并在体内诱导生理代谢的变化,进而抑制病毒的侵染,降低发病
1992年3月我们在东亭镇庄桥村进行了10%恶唑灵悬浮剂防除麦田看麦娘的试验,并在洛社镇花渡村小面积示范,现将结果简报如下: 一、村料与方法 (一) 供试田块:土质粘重,肥力中等
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社交媒体让老式好莱坞演出场所重新流行。The Roxy剧院成立于1973年,其后近二十年里一度统治了好莱坞的日落大道。虽然这里只能容纳500人,人们蜂拥而至来观看约翰·列侬(John
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危害温室韭菜、蒜苗的根蛆主要是葱蝇,它是寡食性害虫,以危害韭菜、蒜和葱类为主。其防治方法是: 1、在温室的韭菜、蒜苗生育期内,初期发现有根蛆危害,可用80%的敌敌畏乳油12