剑走偏锋做主题 三种智能系统的主题之非官方制作方案

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现在智能手机越来越普及,而智能手机的优势就在于可以按照自己的喜好定制手机。目前主流的智能手机界面系统,包括S60、UIQ、Smartphone和pocket PC(后面两种已经合并成为Windows Mobile, 不过使用该系统的手机还不是主流,所以笔者依然把它们分开来说),都可以自己定制主题。所谓主题, 也就是待机图片、铃声、图标、程序背景等一系列元素的集合体。在我们买来的手机里,其实已经附带了一些主题,不过相信这些平凡的主题是引不起我们的兴趣的,所以很多朋友都喜欢上网下载一些手机主题。下载回来的主题虽然好看,但是不能按照自己的喜好选择图片和图标,不能不说是一大憾事。现在好了,几乎所有的智能手机平台都有了主题制作软件,我们也可以按照自己的喜好来制作主题了。不过,官方的制作软件要么体积庞大速度缓慢,要么就是功能简单,所以笔者剑走偏锋,来试一试这些非官方的软件如何。 Now that smartphones are becoming more and more popular, the strength of smartphones is that they can be customized to their liking. The current mainstream smart phone interface system, including S60, UIQ, Smartphone and pocket PC (the latter two have been merged into Windows Mobile, but the use of the system’s mobile phone is not the mainstream, so I still separate them), can own Custom theme. The so-called theme, which is the standby picture, ring tones, icons, program background and a series of elements of the collection. In fact, we already have some themes attached to the phones we bought, but I believe these common themes can not attract our interest. Therefore, many of my friends like to download some mobile themes online. Although the theme of download back to look good, but can not choose according to their own preferences pictures and icons, can not but say is a pity. Right now, almost all smartphone platforms have theme-making software, and we can create themes to suit our own tastes. However, the official production software either bulky or slow, or is simple, so I go to the wrong sword to try these unofficial software.
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