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  What is RSS?
  The RSS is a new technology. It allows people order their information and makes life easy. RSS can help people get the important information without searching for(搜索) a long time.
  RSSstands for(代表) “Really Simple Syndication” or “RDF Site Summary” or “Rich Site Summary”.
  RSS can commonly be applied for research, notification(通告) of new products and discount or promotion in a store, informing users of newsletter issues, subscribing for weather forecast, blog, and podcast(数据分析与采集), tracing news interested, and so on. For example, common MP3 file needs users to download, and they can not update(更新) automatically. However, podcast program can download new information when that connects to the Internet.
  RSS 是Really Simple Syndication 或RDF Site Summary的缩略形式,是站点用来和其他站点之间共享内容的简易方式(也叫聚合内容)。 RSS使HTML作为彼此共享内容的标准方式。
瑞典,一个名副其实的童话的国度。那里有广袤的森林,明净的湖泊,急流的瀑布,丰富的矿藏;有古老的皇宫,跳动的烛光,精灵般不断变幻的北极光;还有林格伦和她的《长袜子皮皮》,拉格洛夫和她的《尼尔斯骑鹅旅行记》……   《尼尔斯骑鹅旅行记》是一部集文艺性、知识性、科学性于一身的巨著。因为成功创作了《尼尔斯骑鹅旅行记》,1909年,拉格洛夫成为在为孩子们创作的作家中,唯一获得诺贝尔文学奖的作家。  让我们跟
亲爱的小朋友们,你们好!首届“小书虫杯”双语阅读竞赛的结果已经揭晓啦!   本届竞赛作文的主题是“我阅读,我快乐”,很多参赛同学挥挥洒洒,用生花妙笔尽情讲述自己的阅读故事,抒发自己的阅读感受,介绍自己的阅读心得,用心写就了一篇篇内容充实、情感真实、文字优美的文章。读着你们稚嫩而清新的文笔,仿佛触摸一颗颗纯洁美好的童心,眼前浮动的是一双双充满期待的眼睛。初评、复评、终评,编辑叔叔阿姨和专家、评委从1
五(2)班教室里,同学们正兴致勃勃地跟着杨老师学习着《去打开大自然绿色的课本》这首赞美大自然的诗呢!    杨老师:同学们,联系课文内容,想想生活实际,你能说说,在大自然这本绿色的课本里,人们有了哪些收获呢?  建锋:人们从大自然获得了许多科学知识!就是在大自然里,就是在苹果树下,伟大的科学家牛顿从苹果落地的现象中受到了启发,发现了万有引力!  云翔:科学家们由蝙蝠飞行的秘密想到了发明雷达,由海豚
My mother is a nurse. She works in a hospital. She likes music and sports. She looks very young. She has big eyes and long hair. She is very nice. She loves me and I love her. ★指导老师:王昌兰    难度系数:★★
I’m a student. I study at Sanyang Primary School. Our school is big and green. There are four teaching buildings in our school. They are modern and clean. Our school has a small pond. There are a lot
一  解缙是明代文学家,生而秀异,聪慧绝伦,六七岁便能吟诗作对,一时传为神童。在他7岁时,有人手拿父亲的画像慕名找上门来,要他在画像上题诗。解缙欣然应允。    二  然而,他从别人口中得知,画中人是邻县的乡绅,平日横行霸道,欺压乡民,鱼肉百姓,是一个十足的坏家伙。解缙对这种人向来恨之入骨。他本不想题诗了,可转念一想,又有了主意。    三  第二天,求诗人准时来取画稿。他满脸堆笑,可当看到画上的
Today is the 1st of September. It’s the first day of the new term. All the students are back to school. They are happy to see each other again. Look, Andy and Steven are talking.  Andy: Hello, Steven.
I have a red pencil box. There is a little doll and a mirror on it. The doll is very lovely and the mirror is very bright. Open it, you can see a lot of things in it. Look, there are three pencils, tw
以“O”结尾的名词变复数,还挺不好“对付”的,有的加“s”,有的加“es”。别急,今天老师把它们都找来了,并送你两句顺口溜,让你轻松地记住它们。    加es的单词有:  hero—heroes 英雄  Negro—Negroes 黑人  potato—potatoes 土豆  tomato—tomatoes 西红柿  加s的单词有:  photo—photos 照片  radio—radios
同学们,在平时的英语学习中,一些枯燥难记的语法知识一定让你们感到头疼吧!没关系,今天就让我们一起来巧变枯燥的语法知识为生动形象的记忆。赶紧一起来看看吧。    例一、在学习情态动词can 、need 、must、 should……用法时,我们可以利用生动形象的比喻快速记忆:情态动词犹如一面照妖镜,面对任何人称秉公办事不留情,动词紧随其后必须现原形。如:  (1)I can dance.  (2)W