Threshold property of a nematic liquid crystal cell with two grating surface substrates

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rr2009
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A grating surface can drive the liquid crystal molecules to orientate along the direction parallel or vertical to the projected plane of the grating surface.The nematic liquid crystal(NLC) cell manufactured with two pre-treated grating surface substrates may realize the vertical display,parallel display and twist display.In this paper,the threshold property of this NLC cell is investigated systematically.With the Frank elastic theory and the equivalent anchoring energy formula of grating surface substrate,the analytic expressions of the threshold voltage related to three displays are obtained,which are dependent on their geometrical parameters such as amplitude δ and pitch λ of the grating surface substrate.For a certain anchoring strength,the threshold voltage increases or decreases with the increase of the value δ/λ of the different displays. A grating surface can drive the liquid crystal molecules to orientate along the direction parallel or vertical to the projected plane of the grating surface. The nematic liquid crystal (NLC) cell manufactured with two pre-treated grating surface substrates may realize the vertical display, parallel display and twist display.In this paper, the threshold property of this NLC cell is systematically .With the Frank elastic theory and the equivalent anchoring energy formula of grating surface substrate, the analytic expressions of the threshold voltage related to three displays are obtained, which are dependent on their geometrical parameters such as amplitude δ and pitch λ of the grating surface substrate. For a certain anchoring strength, the threshold voltage increases or decreases with the increase of the value δ / λ of the different displays.
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摘要 西方文论与英语语言学之间存在着极为密切的联系,西方文论直接体现语言学的内容,语言学的发展也深刻影响着西方文论的发展,两者之间相互影响,得到了共同发展与进步。本文简要介绍了西方文论的发展历程,由此来阐述西方文论与英语语言学的相互影响,以期为西方文论的研究以及西方文论与英语语言学之相互作用研究提供一定的借鉴。  关键词:西方文论 英语语言学 结构主义 语言学转向 相互影响 
无论怎样的有机合成路线都可以把它分解为若干个小的步骤,在每个小步骤中找寻规律,并把这些相关的小步骤串联在一起,完成复杂的转化路线。根据中学化学知识的转化范围,本文僅对引入形成环状物和形成高聚物这两部分进行分析。 一、形成环状物 1.形成环醚 总之,只有寓知识传授于能力培养之中,才能有效提高教学质量和高考应试能力。假若仅单纯机械模仿套用题示的连续转换关系,而不善于变换成相应的化学方程式,追求知识的连