
来源 :中国钨业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:holight123
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《中国钨业》系经国家科委批准、由中国钨业协会主办的期刊。其宗旨是宣传党中央、国务院发展钨业的有关方针政策 ,促进钨业科学技术和经营管理的发展 ,发挥我国钨工业的优势 ,振兴中国钨业。《中国钨业》为钨行业的综合性双月刊 ,主要栏目有 :改革管理、市场贸易、科学技术、? “China Tungsten Industry” is a periodical approved by the State Science and Technology Commission and sponsored by China Tungsten Industry Association. Its purpose is to promote the Central Party Committee and the State Council to develop the relevant guidelines and policies of tungsten industry, promote the development of science, technology and management of tungsten industry, give full play to the advantages of China’s tungsten industry and revitalize China’s tungsten industry. “China Tungsten Industry” is a comprehensive bi-monthly magazine on tungsten industry. The main columns are: reform management, market trade, science and technology, and so on.
《冶金矿山设计与建设》是经国家科委批准公开发行的科技刊物 ,由国家大型甲级综合设计研究院———长沙冶金设计研究总院主办 ,创刊于1 963年。《冶金矿山设计与建设》主要
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<正>In a collective effort to find new drugs for killing the malaria parasites(plasmodium)that became resistant to the conventional drugs such as chloroquine,sc
站在世纪之交,我们迎来了千年的伊始,新世纪的曙光。本刊全体同仁谨向所有关爱、支持我们的各界人士致以诚挚的问候。让我们携手共进,谱写新篇章。 At the turn of the cen
Hepatitis B virus(HBV) infection has received increasing public attention. h BV is the prototypical member of hepadnaviruses, which naturally infect only humans
描述了旋转瞬时干燥设备利用机械能与热能,对糊状物与滤饼进行高效干燥的过程、设备的设计与干燥的成本,以及与之相关的其它方面。 Describes the process of rotating instan