Giant magnetoimpedance effect in Fe-Zr-Nb-Cu-B nanocrystalline ribbons

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The giant magnetoimpedance effect of the nanocrystalline ribbon Fe_(84)Zr_(2.08)Nb_(1.92)CU_1B_(11) (atom fraction in %) was investigated. There is an optimum annealing temperature (T_A≈998 K) for obtaining the largest GMI (giant magnetoimpedance) effect in the ribbon Fe_(84)Zr_(2.08)Nb_(1.92)Cu_1B_(11). The ribbon with longer ribbon length has stronger GMI effect, which may be connected with the demagnetization effect of samples. The frequency f_(max), where the maximum magnetoimpedance GMI(Z)_(max)=[(Z(H)-Z(0))/Z(0)]_(max) Occurs, is near the intersecting frequency f_i of the curves of GMI(R), GMI(X), and GMI(Z) versus frequency. The magnetoreactance GMI(X) decreases monotonically with increasing frequency, which may be due to the decrease of permeability. In contrast, with the AC (alternating current) frequency increasing, the magnetoresistance GMI(R) increases at first, undergoes a peak, and under then drops. The increase of the magnetoresistance may result from the enhancement of the skin effect w The giant magnetoimpedance effect of the nanocrystalline ribbon Fe_ (84) Zr_ (2.08) Nb_ (1.92) CU_1B_ (11) (atom fraction in%) was investigated. There is an optimum annealing temperature (T_A≈998 K) (giant magnetoimpedance) effect in the ribbon Fe_ (84) Zr_ (2.08) Nb_ (1.92) Cu_1B_ (11). The ribbon with longer ribbon length has stronger GMI effect, which may be connected with the demagnetization effect of samples. (max), where the maximum magnetoimpedance GMI (Z) _ (max) = [(Z (H) -Z (0)) / Z (0)] _ (max) Occurs, is near the intersecting frequency f_i of the curves of GMI (R), GMI (X), and GMI (Z) versus frequency. The magnetoreactance GMI (X) decreases monotonically with increasing frequency, which may be due to the decrease of permeability. ) frequency increasing, the magnetoresistance GMI (R) increases at first, undergoes a peak, and under then drops. The increase of the magnetoresistance may result from the enhancement o f the skin effect w
以锻造加热炉的能量平衡与分析为例。一、锻造加热炉的测试数据锻造加热炉的测试数据见表1。 Taking the energy balance and analysis of forging furnace as an example.
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[关键词]反思探究能力,材料,教学  [中图分类号]C63 [文献标识码]B [文章编号]0457—6241(2010)13—0022—04    2010年4月,在南通市高三第二次调研考试中,我们编制了一道考查探究能力的材料解析题,原题如下:  阅读下列材料:  材料一戊戌政变大事记  1898年9月18日(八月初三日)御史杨崇伊向慈禧太后上奏折,称:“风闻东洋故相伊藤博文,即日到京,将专政柄。
当笔者看到第40题时,扪心自问,我的学生会怎么答?笔者不掩自拙,回想起高三教学的一幕:在说到“资本主义萌芽”概念时,为了能让学生简单明了的判定,于是向学生直接强调了 Whe
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