
来源 :中国农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qishanf
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本文研究了根冠细胞法测定稻瘟病菌粗毒素的致病性及其高体筛选水稻抗稻瘟病细胞突变体,结果表明,致病毒素对水稻根冠细胞死亡率的影响,不同小种之间差异达显著或极显著水平。外源激素和外植体基因型是影响水稻成熟胚高体培养力高低的两个主要因素。杭稻瘟病细胞突变体的筛选效率以全程筛选法优于继代筛选法。建立了一个新的筛选体系,它不仅简单易行,而且可以避免丧失愈伤组织的形态发生能力,再生植株育性较好,并应用于水稻改良,获得了一批抗稻瘟病株系。同时对如何完善试验研究的有关问题进行了讨论。 In this paper, root capping method was used to determine the pathogenicity of crude toxin of Magnaporthe grisea and its high resistance to rice blast resistance mutant. The results showed that the effect of pathogenic toxin on the mortality of rice root canopy cells, Differences between the significant or very significant level. The exogenous hormones and explant genotypes are the two main factors that affect the culture ability of the mature body of rice mature embryos. The screening efficiency of Hang Blast cell mutants was better than that of the next generation screening method by the whole screening method. A new screening system was established, which was not only simple and easy to be implemented, but also able to avoid the loss of the morphogenic ability of callus. The reproductive plant was more fertile and applied to rice improvement. A number of blast resistant lines were obtained. At the same time, some discussions on how to perfect the experimental research are also discussed.
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