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人们应当选择什么样的消费观,是一个古今中外一直有人探索的问题。现在,人与自然的矛盾日益尖锐,研究这个问题更具有特别重要的意义。 中国自古有天人合一的主张,追求人类的入自然,与环境相谐和,反对挥霍浪费,反对破坏环境。比如庄子,他在书中借别人的口说:“鹪鹩巢于深林,不过一枝;偃鼠饮河,不过满腹。”认为人类对自然的索取应有节制,不应无度。当然,他对环境保护有些极端的主张。他讲过一个著名的故事,说南海的天帝曰倏,北海的天帝曰忽,中央天帝曰混沌。倏忽二帝都有眼耳口鼻,唯混沌七窍全无。他们常常到混沌那里去作客,对主人的缺陷深表同情。于是,二君商量要帮助混沌凿出七窍来。一日凿一窍,等到七窍成,混沌也就死了。这里,庄子的主张是明明白白的。但是,几千年来,人类在改造自然的斗争中完全没有重视他的主张。就是 What kind of consumer attitudes people should choose is an issue that people always explore at home and abroad. Now, the contradiction between man and nature has become increasingly acute. Studying this issue is of even greater significance. Since ancient times, China has the idea of ​​combining man and nature, pursuing mankind’s entry into nature, harmony with the environment, opposition to squandering wastage and opposition to environmental destruction. For example, Chuang Tzu, who borrowed from someone else’s mouth in his book, said: "The mom is nesting in the deep forest, but it has one branch; Of course, he has some extreme claims on environmental protection. He told a famous story, saying that the emperor of the South China Sea said that the emperor of the North Sea said suddenly that the central god said chaos.倏 忽两帝 have eyes and ears, only chaos Qiqiao no. They often go to the chaos where they are guests, deep sympathy for the flaws of the owner. As a result, the second emperor to discuss chaos to help find seven Qiqiao. Chisel an eye on the 1st, until the Qi-Cheng, chaos also died. Here, Zhuangzi’s claim is plainly plain. However, for thousands of years, mankind has not paid any attention to his ideas in the struggle for the transformation of nature. That’s it
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