Security Communication Model of Wireless Trade System

来源 :Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yufengjin
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This paper proposes a C/S system model for K-Java and PDA named Net-Wireless. It is a discussion and proposal on information security and solutions for K-Java handsets and PDAs in wireless network. It also explains the scheme which between client security module and server security module. Also, We have developed a Security Server and a K-Java encryption module for e-commerce system and other trade systems. This paper proposes a C / S system model for K-Java and PDA named Net-Wireless. It is a discussion and proposal on information security and solutions for K-Java handsets and PDAs in wireless network. It also explains the scheme which between clients Also, We have developed a Security Server and a K-Java encryption module for e-commerce system and other trade systems.
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1临床资料1 1对象 :94例副伤寒甲患者均经血液培养确诊 ,其中男49例 ,女45例 ,年龄5~54岁 ,平均32岁。1 2临床症状和体征 :94例患者均因发热伴畏寒、乏力或头痛入院 ,在治疗期间体温 (腋窝温度 )