Aberrant celio-mesenteric supply of the splenic flexure:Provoking a bleed

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:DragonDoor
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Lower gastrointestinal hemorrhage presents a common indication for hospitalization and account for over300000 admissions per year in the United States.Multimodality imaging is often required to aid in localization of the hemorrhage prior to therapeutic intervention if endoscopic treatment fails.Imaging includes computer tomography angiography,red blood cell tagged scintigraphy and conventional angiography,with scintigraphy being the most sensitive followed by computer tomography angiography.Aberrant celio-mesenteric supply occurs in 2%of the population;however failure to identify this may result in failed endovascular therapy.Computer tomography angiography is sensitive for arterial hemorrhage and delineates the anatomy,allowing the treating physician to plan an endovascular approach.If at the time of conventional angiography,the active bleed is not visualized,but the site of bleeding has been identified on computer tomography angiography,provocative angiography can be utilized in order to stimulate bleeding and subsequent targeted treatment.We describe a case of lower gastrointestinal hemorrhage at the splenic flexure supplied by a celiomesenteric branch in a patient and provocative angiography with tissue plasminogen activator utilized at the time of treatment to illicit the site of hemorrhage and subsequent treatment. Lower gastrointestinal hemorrhage presents a common indication for hospitalization and account for over 300000 admissions per year in the United States. Multimodality imaging is often required to aid in localization of the hemorrhage prior to therapeutic intervention if endoscopic treatment fails. Imaging includes computer tomography angiography, red blood cell tagged scintigraphy and conventional angiography, with scintigraphy being the most sensitive followed by computer tomography angiography. Aberrant celio-mesenteric supply occurs in 2% of the population; however failure to identify this may result in failed endovascular therapy. Computer tomography angiography is sensitive for arterial hemorrhage and delineates the anatomy, allowing the treating physician to plan an endovascular approach. If at the time of conventional angiography, the active bleed is not visualized, but the site of bleeding has been identified on computer tomography angiography, provocative angiography can be utilized in orde r to stimulate bleeding and subsequent targeted treatment. We describe a case of lower gastrointestinal hemorrhage at the splenic flexure supplied by a celiomesenteric branch in a patient and provocative angiography with tissue plasminogen activator utilized at the time of treatment to illicit the site of hemorrhage and subsequent treatment.
【摘 要】作为企业财务管理工作中一项重要内容,企业财务预算管理有着核心的地位与作用,因为它能够帮助企业降低成本,提升企业市场竞争力。本文探讨企业内部财务预算管理的内容、重要性以及必要性,并针对当前企业内部财务预算管理现状及其存在的问题,提出了一些有针对性的应对措施,从而有效提升企业财务管理标准化和科学化,让企业能够真正适应现代企业财务管理的要求。  【关键词】企业内部财务;财务预算管理;内容;重要
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