来源 :Journal of Electronics(China) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:henan8810
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In location-aided routing of Mobile Ad hoc NETworks(MANET),nodes mobility and the inaccuracy of location information may result in constant flooding,which will reduce the network performance.In this paper,a Distance-Based Location-Aided Routing(DBLAR) for MANET has been proposed.By tracing the location information of destination nodes and referring to distance change between nodes to adjust route discovery dynamically,the proposed routing algorithm can avoid flooding in the whole networks.Besides,Distance Update Threshold(DUT) is set up to reach the balance between real-time ability and update overhead of location information of nodes,meanwhile,the detection of relative distance vector can achieve the goal of adjusting forwarding condition.Simulation results reveal that DBLAR performs better than LAR1 in terms of packet successful delivery ratio,average end-to-end delay and routing-load,and the set of DUT and relative distance vector has a significant impact on this algorithm. In location-aided routing of Mobile Ad hoc NETworks (MANET), node mobility and the inaccuracy of location information may result in constant flooding, which will reduce the network performance. In this paper, a Distance-Based Location-Aided Routing (DBLAR) for MANET has been proposed.By tracing the location information of destination nodes and referring to distance change between nodes to adjust route discovery dynamically, the proposed routing algorithm can avoid flooding in the whole networks.Besides, Distance Update Threshold (DUT) is set up meanwhile, the detection of relative distance vector can achieve the goal of adjusting forwarding condition.Simulation results reveal that DBLAR performs better than LAR1 in terms of packet successful delivery ratio, average end-to-end delay and routing-load, and the set of DUT and relative distance vector has a significant impact on this algorithm.
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20 0 1年 8月 9日上午 ,“黄伯荣从教 50周年学术思想研讨会、现代汉语教学研讨会、《现代汉语》教材修订稿定稿会”在青岛大学图书馆报告厅举行开幕式。这一天也是黄伯荣教
据《经济日报》9月9日报道,在9月5日的二十国集团领导人第八次峰会上,中国国家主席习近平发表了关于世界经济形势的重要讲话,传递出中国坚定推进改革、维护和发展开放型世界经济的决心。现代国际关系研究院世界经济研究所所长陈凤英表示,中国经济的持续健康发展,将为世界经济带来更多正面外溢效应。  目前,中国经济正经历从超速发展到常态发展的重大转变。这是所有起飞经济体都经历的过程,中国也不例外。国际货币基金组