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2003年10月1日起国家施行了新的《婚姻登记条例》,对过去繁琐的结婚手续进行了大“变脸”:结婚、离婚不再需要单位开证明,以前的必经程序“婚检”也不再强制执行而是采取自愿。此番大刀阔斧的变革,犹如一石激起了千层浪,尤其是强制性“婚检”的取消更引发了众多的争议,拍手称快的有之,忧心忡忡的也有之。取消婚检到底是因噎废食还是社会进步?是公民自由权利的体现还是影响人口素质的隐患呢?一切有待评说。 Since October 1, 2003, the state has enacted a new “Marriage Registration Ordinance”, which has greatly changed the past cumbersome marriage procedures. Marriage and divorce no longer require the unit to prove that the former must pass the premarital examination No longer enforced but voluntarily. This drastic change, like a stone aroused Melaleuca waves, in particular the mandatory “premarital” the cancellation led to many controversies, clap clap with it, there are also worried about. Whether the abolition of premarital examination is due to the use of waste food or social progress? Is it the embodiment of civil liberties or the hidden danger to the quality of the population?
一些媒体称,用100Hz收音机可以检测微波炉的微波泄露,并说在离微波炉门0.5米处收音机如还能收到噪音干扰,则说明微波已泄露,需专业人员修理等。 这种说法是错误的。因为一般
In the H.263 video codec related systems, motion estimation and Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) have the most computational requirements. In order to reduce com
2008年,有“中国茶叶奥斯卡”之称的“陆羽奖”花落江元勋家,颁奖词上写道:“在这样的困境中,他站了出来,以艺术家一样的想象神奇地点化着武夷红茶片片纤细的叶尖。左手是金,右手是银,正山小种红茶在他的指间获得了涅槃重生。”  身为正山小种红茶第24代传人,52岁的江元勋就像他的祖辈们那样,准备用一辈子来和茶叶打交道。  灵机一动,“金骏眉”横空出世  10年前,金骏眉在茶叶市场突然火了。这个传奇的背