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最近四年,我国在加速发展高等教育声中,出现了五十二所短期职业大学,在校学生已达两万七千多人(截至一九八三年九月).创办于一九八○年的南京金陵职业大学,是其中最早的一所.去年秋季,这所学校的第一届毕业生已经走上工作岗位.适应社会之急需南京市地处长江下游,是江苏省省会,经济、文化都较发达.近年来这个城市的建设事业发展很快.迫切需要补充各种专业人员.根据对人才需求的预测,到一九八五年,全市需要增加技术人员一万六千名,仅城市建设局一个部门就要一千名.但多年来,国家每年分配给南京市的大学毕业生,只有一千多名,远远不能满足需要.另一方面,南京市每年有三万多名高中毕业生,由于招生名额所限,能被高等院校录取的只有两千人左右,大批学生不能继续深造.为了缓和这些矛盾,南京市政育局和一些企业单位在省、市人民政府的支持下,共同创办了金陵职业大学. In the recent four years, in accelerating the development of higher education in our country, there have been 52 short-term vocational colleges and more than 27,000 students (up to September 1983) Nanjing Jinling Vocational College was one of the earliest years, and the first graduate of this school had taken to work last fall. Adapting to the urgent need of society Nanjing is located in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River and is the capital of Jiangsu Province. In recent years, the construction of the city has developed rapidly and there is an urgent need to replenish various professionals.According to the forecast of the demand for qualified personnel, by 1985, the city will need to increase the number of technical personnel by 16,000, Only a department of the Bureau of Urban Construction will have to be one thousand.However, over the years, there are only more than a thousand university graduates assigned to Nanjing each year, which is far from meeting the needs. On the other hand, there are over thirty thousand High school graduates, due to limited enrollment, can be admitted to institutions of higher learning is only about two thousand people, a large number of students can not continue to further education.In order to ease these contradictions, Nanjing Municipal Education Bureau and some business units in the provincial and municipal people’s government stand by , Co-founded the Jinling Vocational University.
本刊讯 1984年10月7日,香港成立了“工人健康中心”。香港各工会和劳工团体都派代表参加了开幕剪彩仪式。该中心将为香港各工会提供全面的职业健康服务。欲参加的工会只需填
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