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自古以来,犹太人就以善于经商和理财而闻名世界。在美国,有一位比总统更受人关注的犹太人。当这个穿着深色西服,戴着黑框眼镜,白色衬衫上配着一条不入时的细结领带的老头,拎着鼓鼓囊囊的公文包,用他那特有的“美联储语言”宣布“降息”的时候,全世界都会为之侧目。他就是美国联邦储备委员会主席——艾伦·格林斯潘。美联储是美国的中央银行,格林斯潘是这银行“掌柜的”。虽然格林斯潘从来不喜欢张扬,但他坐的那把椅子实在太显眼,这就注定了他必然要成为各种风暴的中心。他在美国的地位有多重要,看看《财富》杂志的话就可以知道。1996当美国总统大选如火如荼之际,《财富》突然放了一炮:“笨蛋!谁当总统无所谓,只要让艾伦当美联储主席就成!”的确,只要他跺跺脚,整条华尔街都会地震;只要他嘟哝一声,全球的投资人都得竖起耳朵。下面我们来看看他是如何当自己的家的。 Since ancient times, Jews have become known around the world for their business and money management. In the United States, there is one more Jewish than the president. When wearing a dark suit, wearing black-rimmed glasses, a white shirt with an old-time tie, the old man carrying a bulging briefcase, with his unique “Fed language ” announced Cut interest rates “, the whole world will turn its attention. He is the chairman of the Federal Reserve - Alan Greenspan. The Fed is the central bank of the United States, and Greenspan is the bank’s treasurer. Although Greenspan never liked publicity, the chair he sat was so conspicuous that he was destined to become the center of all sorts of storms. How important his position in the United States is and seeing what Fortune magazine is saying goes. In 1996, when the U.S. presidential election was in full swing, Fortune suddenly put a gun on it: ”Stupid! Who the president does not matter, just let Alan as the Federal Reserve chairman!" Indeed, as long as he stumbles, the entire Wall Street Earthquake; As long as he muttered, investors around the world had to raise their ears. Let’s see how he is his own home.
2003年中国经济将承接2002年的发展势头,保持较快增长,经济发展将呈5大趋势: 一、国民经济增长保持稳中加快态势国内生产总值有望实现8%左右的增长目标 2002年以来国民经济
引子:2001年7月1日,江泽民总书记在庆祝建党80周年大会上的重要讲 话,如一泓清泉,滋润亿万人民的心田。无论在戈壁高原的边防哨所,无论 在碧波万顷的海上演兵场,沐浴春风的人
天则经济研究所所长茅于轼说,出口退税是用低于成本的价格争取多出口的一种政策。 我们在国外经常可以买到比在国内价格还低的商品,这常常使我感到惊奇。有一种解释,说是因
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