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这边饮水靠打井,那边自来水通到户;这边护林苗木补贴一亩才三百元,那边三千五百元;这边村支书月工资四百多,那边一千二百多;这边每月养老金五十五元,那边涨到了三百五十元……一条公路分割了两个村庄,也分割了两种命运。这边是河北涞水县蘧家磨村,那边是北京房山区郑家磨村。一条马路隔开两个世界的鲜明例证,揭开的不仅是两个村庄因行政区域划分不同而造成的巨大差距,更是京津冀一体化从纸上走入现实的重重障碍。二十年间,只 Water here by drilling wells, where the water to households; here the forest seedling subsidy was only 300 yuan a mu, there three thousand five hundred dollars; here more than 400 village secretary of the monthly salary of over a hundred and two hundred The monthly pensions were 55 yuan on the other side, up to 350 yuan on that side. A highway divided two villages and split two destinies. Here is the Hebei Laishui Xunjia mill village, there is the Fangshan District, Beijing Zheng mill village. A distinctive illustration of a road separating the two worlds reveals not only the huge gap between the two villages due to the different administrative divisions but also the obstacles that impede the integration of Beijing, Tianjin and Ji into reality from the paper. Twenty years, only
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同学们都看过电视剧《西游记》吧,在电视剧中孙悟空腾云驾雾飞行的镜头很多,扮演孙悟空的演员真的能腾云驾雾吗?如果不能,这些镜头又是怎样拍摄的呢?难道是给演员身上安装了“飞行器”吗?  首先我们来回忆下面两个生活中的体验。  体验1:两列火车并排停在站台上,你坐在车厢中透过车窗向另一列车观望,一时间。你觉得自己坐的列车开始缓缓地前进了,但是,“驶过”了对面列车的车尾你才发现,实际上你乘坐的列车还停在站
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