Study on Quantitative Relationship between Surface Wettability and Frictional Coefficient of Liquid

来源 :China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bloodsteven
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This paper had investigated the effects of surface wettability on the frictional resistance of turbulent horizontal flow for tap water in five pipes made of various materials and four kinds of liquids in a polytetrafluoroethylene(PTFE) pipe,with the same inner diameter of 14 mm. Pressure drops were measured under different flow rates through an experimental flow loop. The contact angles and adhesion work of liquids in contact with pipe surfaces were determined using a contact angle meter. Based on the dimension and regression analyses, two kinds of modified relationships between the frictional coefficient and the surface wettability were established according to the measured results corresponding to tap water in five pipes and four liquids in PTFE pipe. The experimental results show that the surface wettability has some influence on frictional coefficient of the studied liquids flowing in macroscale pipes, and the frictional coefficient decreases with the increase of the contact angle at the same Reynolds number. Meanwhile the effect of wettability on the hydrophobic surface is greater than that on the hydrophilic one. The frictional coefficients predicted by the modified formulas have verified to be in good agreement with the experimental values, the relative errors of which are within ±6% and ±3% for the tap water flowing in five different pipes and four kinds of liquids flowing in PTFE pipe, respectively.
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在中国当代艺术界,陈文令堪称一位迅速建立起自己艺术面貌的当代艺术家。凭借着持续的努力和旺盛的创造力,他的作品一个系列接着一个系列面见艺坛,参加到多种展览活动之中,引人注目。更重要的是,他的作品因具有他自己艺术发展逻辑内在的牢靠性而获得鲜明的风格。在当代艺术创造中,观念的个性和风格的个性二者的统一至少是艺术成熟的基本标尺,在这个尺度上,陈文令构筑起了自己的世界。  已经有不少评论家指出陈文令的艺术源
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