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活塞销是活塞与连杆的连接件,目前多采用全浮式的连接形式。所谓全浮式是指,当发动机的工作温度达75℃以上时,活塞销可以在活塞销座孔和连杆铜套中自由转动。 按技术要求,在装置活塞销之前,必须保证连杆铜套与活塞销的配合间隙,以及保证活塞加热至90℃以上时,活塞销可以容易地插入活塞销座孔之中。 当活塞摆脱加热以后,由于活塞温度的下降以及活塞对连杆、活塞销的热传导,活塞销座孔因温度下降而产生缩径现象的速度是很快的,因此就要求装配时,在很短的时间内将活塞销装入活塞销座孔和连杆铜套之中。然而在安装活塞销时,由于活塞销座孔与连杆铜套的中心很难对正,并且活塞销与连杆铜套及加热后的活塞销座 Piston pin is the connecting rod and connecting rod, the current use of full floating connection. The so-called full floating means that when the working temperature of the engine reaches above 75 ℃, the piston pin can freely rotate in the piston pin hole and the connecting rod copper sleeve. According to the technical requirement, before the piston pin is installed, it is necessary to ensure the fitting clearance between the connecting rod copper sleeve and the piston pin and to ensure that the piston pin can be easily inserted into the piston pin hole when the piston is heated to over 90 ° C. When the piston to get rid of heating, due to the piston temperature drop and piston rod, piston pin heat conduction, piston pin hole due to the temperature drop and reduce the diameter of the phenomenon is very fast, it requires the assembly, in a very short Of the time the piston pin into the piston pin hole and connecting rod copper sleeve. However, when installing the piston pin, due to the piston pin hole and the center of the connecting rod copper sleeve is difficult to align, and the piston pin and the rod sleeve and the heated piston pin holder
溶解性有机氮类化合物(dissolved organic nitrogen,DON)是目前饮用水领域关注的新问题.以浙江北部某水厂为对象,研究了受污染水源饮用水处理工艺中的DON的浓度水平和变化规
“要么你们走,要么我走。”李科吼出这句话之前,他们刚刚谈妥一笔100万的投资,但是,这个团队将不复存在。    昔日团队    “猫宠网”一开始就有一个近乎完美的创业团队:谢飞管社区运营,马昊管技术,王辉管外联,李科管市场。作为团队领导人,李科无数次用美妙的蓝图鼓舞士气:“中国的宠物用品市场每年有60亿人民币,却没有一个品牌!”李科很清楚,他们最终目标是利用网站影响力和渠道资源,进行宠物用品的贴牌
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