
来源 :黑龙江科技信息 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rrejoice
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腰间盘突出症为常见病之一,临床上表现为腰部反复疼痛,并沿大腿至足部放射性疼痛、酸胀、麻木、行走困难等为主要特征。当腰椎间盘突出压迫神经时,可产生麻痹而使肌肉收缩量减弱。轻者,影响大小便失禁、行走困难;重者最后导致瘫痪或丧失劳动能力。临床上可借助X光、CT 检查确诊。由于开刀治疗禁忌症多、创 Lumbar disc herniation is one of the most common diseases. It is clinically characterized by repeated pain at the waist and is characterized by radioactive pain, soreness, numbness, and difficulty in walking along the thigh to the foot. When the lumbar disc herniation oppresses the nerve, it can produce paralysis and reduce the amount of muscle contraction. The slightest ones affect incontinence and difficulty in walking; those who are severely end up paralysing or losing their ability to work. X-ray and CT examinations can be used in clinical diagnosis. Due to open surgery, contraindications, invasive
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