STM studies on adsorbed liquid crystal on HOPG

来源 :Science in China(Series B) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xtwjun
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The adsorbed structures of 4_pentyl4′-methoxy_phenylbenzoate on highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) are studied by scanning tunneling microscope (STM) at room temperature with near atomic level resolution. It is observed that the STM images could reveal the regular two_dimensional arrangement of molecules. The computer calculation is performed to determine the contrast mechanism of the STM images associated with the tip_to_sample electric field. The results indicate that the STM images of the liquid crystal may be jointly affected by the modulation of the local work function of the substrate covered with the polarizable molecular adsorbates and the variation of density of states of the adsorbed molecules. The adsorbed structures of 4_pentyl4’-methoxy_phenylbenzoate on highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) were studied by scanning tunneling microscope (STM) at room temperature with near atomic level resolution. It is observed that the STM images could reveal the regular two_dimensional arrangement of molecules. The results of the STM calculations of the contrast mechanism of the STM images associated with the tip_to_sample electric field. The results indicate that the STM images of the liquid crystal may be jointly affected by the modulation of the local work function of the substrate covered with the polarizable molecular adsorbates and the variation of density of states of the adsorbed molecules.
什么时候你头脑不清楚做了傻事,多半是爱了。  女友间说私房话,云山雾罩之后对方往往来一句“你说他究竟爱不爱我”——前头多半唠叨了许多可疑之处:比如某人的丈夫瞒着老婆给公婆置了屋、某人的老公悄悄帮旧情人找了工作、出轨男票总不肯爽快离婚……正八卦得高兴,突然话风变成这个,我只得敷衍哼哈。  他爱不爱你,关这些啥事?因为你在意的这些事儿,与爱不爱没啥关系。  她当然不同意,“如果他爱我,为什么会这样……
她喜欢喝茉莉花茶,清清淡淡的香气氤氲着。  大学里,她也一直是安静的一个人,寝室同学喝着色彩缤纷的甜美果汁,或者略带苦涩的小资咖啡之时,她仍然是笑吟吟地端着一玻璃杯的茉莉花茶,茶叶在沸水中沉沉浮浮。  他和她是同一个社团,有一次,去外面聚餐,都叫了啤酒或果汁,就她一个人,偏生点了茉莉花茶。  她喝一口茶,便舒服地眯起眼来,像是在太阳地上悠闲打盹的猫咪,一杯茶也能让人这么幸福么?  他觉得好奇。  
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