早就听说,日本人将全国各地明治时代有代表性的建筑物,集中移建在名古屋郊外一处风景优美的地方,取名“明治村”。明治,是日本近代史上一个激荡的年代,是日本近代化的发端。我久已墓名“明治村”,渴望着一睹明治风貌。 7月的一天,我终于夙愿得偿。汽车沿着名古屋市郊的公路向北疾驶,经过著名的古战场小牧,穿过一片逶迤起伏、苍翠葱茏的丘陵,在一个挂着“第八高等学校”校牌的西洋式大门口戛然停下,主人告诉我们,“明治村”到了。“明治村”始建于1965年,它是由已故名古屋铁道公司董事长古川元夫和“明治村”博物馆第一
It has long been heard that the Japanese have centralized the construction of representative buildings in the Meiji era all over the country in a beautifully landscaped area on the outskirts of Nagoya named Meiji Village. Meiji, Japan’s modern history is a stirring era, the beginning of Japan’s modernization. I have long cemetery “Meiji Village”, eager to see the Meiji style. One day in July, I finally got my wish. The car drives north along the highway in the outskirts of Nagoya and passes through the famous ancient battlefield Komaki through a winding, lush hill with a stop at the Western-style entrance to the “Eighth Higher School” The owner told us that “Meiji Village” arrived. Founded in 1965, Meiji Shrine was founded by Furukawa, the chairman of the late Nagoya Railway Corporation and first at the Meiji Mura Museum