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三十六年前的1962年,一个春光烂漫的中午,一位三十四岁的军人,怀着一腔澎湃的激情,正在一个叫马兰峪的普普通通的山村散步,这山谷自然景色的美丽迷人,让他不时为之陶醉,为之忘情。此时,正值我国经济困难的年代,望着满目盛开的挑花杏蕊,听着悦耳动人的溪水流泉,不时激起这位部队文艺工作者胸中的无限感慨;尤其是看到勤劳勇敢、善良质朴的马兰峪的父老乡亲们面对因经济困难而带来的种种坎坷,依旧用一种战天斗地、英勇无畏的精神,在热火朝天地整麦田、垒堰坝、修水利、积肥料——从而使艳阳丽日下到处呈现一派生机勃勃、无比兴旺的场面…… Thirty-six years ago, in 1962, at noon of a spring, a 34-year-old soldier with a passionate passion was walking in an ordinary mountain village called Malan Valley. The natural scenery of this valley Beautiful and charming, let him intoxicated from time to time, whom forget. At this juncture, at a time when China’s economy is in a difficult situation, looking at the flower-picking almonds in full bloom and listening to pleasant and moving streams and streams, it aroused the infinite emotion of the force’s literary and artistic workers. In particular, In the face of all kinds of ups and downs caused by economic hardship, the honest and simple villagers of Malan Valley are still using the spirit of courage and fearlessness to grow barley fields, barrages, water conservancies and fertilizers in full swing So bright and beautiful everywhere show a vibrant, very prosperous scene ......
办公楼是一个令人神往的地方,但当你置身于那个群体之中时,你会发现在那里多姿多彩的女人背后充满了竞争。你在碰到机遇的同时也暗藏着危机,这就看你如何对待。 有一种谦卑的心
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’97中国规模最大的 midi 音乐制作比赛——中音 YAMAHA 第二届 XG/GM颁奖大会于97年12月12—14日在北京饭店贵宾楼隆重召开。日本 YAMAHA 株式会社海外部部长、香港之信集
目的 探讨副泪腺的分泌机制,提供副泪腺神经支配的形态学证据。方法 10例人眼标本,男性9人,女性1人,年龄20~38岁,用标准透射电镜技术对42个Krause腺Wolfring腺进行观察。结
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