Sources and distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons of different glaciers over the Tibetan

来源 :Science China(Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:l541306072
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Twenty snow samples were collected from the Qiyi glacier in Qilian Mountains,the Yuzhufeng glacier in eastern Kunlun Mountains,the Xiaodongkemadi glacier in Tanggula Mountains,and the Gurenhekou glacier in Nyainqêntanglha Range over the Tibetan Plateau.The concentration and distribution features of sixteen priority Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) were determined by gas chromatography equipped with a mass spectrometry detector (GC-MS).The sources of these PAHs were explored as well.Our results indicated that the average concentrations of PAHs in snow were in the range of 20.45 60.57 ng/L.Maximum PAHs levels were found in the YZF glacier andminimum in the XDKMD glacier.However,no apparent regional distribution pattern of PAHs was found in the glaciers over the Tibetan Plateau.Moreover,the 2 4 ring low molecular weight PAHs predominated in snow samples and the concentrations of phenanthrene was the highest.Integrated factor analysis and isomer pair ratios suggested that PAHs of glaciers over the Tibetan Plateau were derived from low temperature combustion of coal and biomass,and partially from the exhaust gas of locomotives.Air mass back trajectory indicated that organic compounds detected in snowpit of these four glaciers,in the period of time they represented,mainly came from Central Asia and the arid area of Northwest China by westerly wind circulation. Twenty snow samples were collected from the Qiyi glacier in Qilian Mountains, the Yuzhufeng glacier in eastern Kunlun Mountains, the Xiaodongkemadi glacier in Tanggula Mountains, and the Gurenhekou glacier in Nyainqêntanglha Range over the Tibetan Plateau. The concentration and distribution features of sixteen priority Polycyclic Aromatic The sources of these PAHs were explored as well. Our results indicated that the average concentrations of PAHs in snow were in the range of 20.45 60.57 ng /L.Maximum PAHs levels were found in the YZF glacier and minimum in the XDKMD glacier. However, no apparent regional distribution pattern of PAHs was found in the glaciers over the Tibetan Plateau. Moreover, the 2 4 ring low molecular weight PAHs predominated in snow samples and the concentrations of phenanthrene was the highest.Integrated factor analysis and isomer pair ratios suggested that PAHs of g laciers over the Tibetan Plateau were derived from low temperature combustion of coal and biomass, and partially from the exhaust gas of locomotives. Air mass back trajectory indicated that organic compounds detected in snowpit of these four glaciers, in the period of time they represented, mainly came from Central Asia and the arid area of ​​Northwest China by westerly wind circulation.
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