
来源 :湖北农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:songshaona
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三峡大坝建成后,奉节县将淹没土地3260hm2,涉及农业人口3.65万人。奉节县境中部定为该县移民安置区。安置区土地面积4.646万hm2.其中耕地面积1.54万hm2,园地面积0.34万hm2,主要的成土母质共5类73个土种,质地以壤土为主,养分含量中等,土壤呈酸性至弱碱性。现有宜农荒山800hm2,宜园荒山467hm2,宜竹荒山0.42万hm2,低产田土0.84万hm2。开发利用的措施是:挖掘后备土地资源潜力,综合利用土地;加强农田基本建设和水土保持工作,以坡改梯为中心,改田治土,培肥地力;调整布局,稳定粮食产量,发展以柑桔为主的经济林和以蔬菜、油料为主的经济作物。 After completion of the Three Gorges Dam, Fengjie County will flood 3260hm2 of land, involving 36,500 agricultural population. Central Fengjie County as the county resettlement area. Resettlement area land area 64,660 hm2. Among them, the cultivated area is 15,400 hm2 and the garden area is 34,000 hm2. The main soil parent material consists of 5 types and 73 soil types. The texture is mainly of loam soil, medium nutrient content and acidic to weakly alkaline soil. The existing agricultural waste hills 800hm2, Yiyuan barren 467hm2, Yabahu hills 4,200 hm2, low-yield fields 8400 hm2. Measures for the development and utilization are: excavating the potential of reserve land resources and comprehensively utilizing the land; strengthening farmland capital construction and water and soil conservation work; using slope-changing ladders as the center, changing land to soil fertility and fertility; adjusting layout to stabilize grain output and developing Economic forest dominated by oranges and cash crops dominated by vegetables and oilseeds.
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谐振电路的分析、计算往往因输入信号中谐波含量过大而难以精确进行。本文对电子镇流器负载谐振电路进行了理论分析 ,提出针对电子镇流器负载谐振电路的二阶段分析方法。在此
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【正】 Guangzhou Lonkey Industrial Co.,Ltd.(Lonkey,SZ:000523) plans to issue up to 50 million domestic share toraise fund of RMB520 million.The RMB430 million o