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目前及今后的多层空旷砖房设计中,楼(屋) 盖梁一般为钢筋混凝土构件,其末部的节点构造与以往有很大不同:梁下有梁垫或圈梁,通常是现浇的,两者间有锚拉钢筋;梁端埋入砌体的长度不少于240mm;砌筑砂浆为M5以上。这样,梁与支承的砖砌体连接较牢固,节点有一定的刚性。考虑钢筋观凝土大梁与其支承砌体之间连接节点的实际工作性能,已越来越多地为世界各国所接 In current and future design of multi-story empty brick buildings, the building (house) cover beams are generally reinforced concrete members, and the structure of the node at the end is very different from the past: there are beam or ring beams under the beams, usually cast in place. The length of the beam end buried in the masonry is not less than 240mm; the masonry mortar is M5 or more. In this way, the connection between the beam and the supporting brickwork is firm and the joints have a certain rigidity. Considering the actual working performance of the joint between the reinforced concrete girder and its supporting masonry, it has increasingly been adopted by various countries in the world.
第七画页:地下城遭遇哈利·波特翻开第七画页,画面上是青光光的石山,中间那块最大的方石下面,有一小巧的洞口。石山上面,稀稀疏疏地长着些松 Seventh page: Dungeon encount
日本光电ECG-6511型心电图机是一种比较先进的单导心电图机,其选择导联的操作十分简便 ,只要轻触ADV(→)或RED(←)其中一键,即可实现导联选择操作.分析电路原理图可知,实现此
用吸管吹画,这可是头一回。正是这头一回,让我们兴奋得大叫。老师把我们班的同学分成好几个合作小 With a straw painting, this is the first time. It is this very first
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2008年8月8日晚8时,我们将迎来第二十九届国际奥林匹克运动会。这一届奥运会对每一个中国人都有着特殊的意义。今天我们就来聊聊和奥运有关的趣事。 At 0800 hours on Augus
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Hello! Do you knowthe International Dayof Disabled Persons( 世界残疾人日) ? Hello! Do you know the International Day Of Disabled Persons?