接待群众来访是信访部门的一项重要工作,是党政军机关与广大人民群众进行民主对话的重要形式。作为信访工作者,做好接访工作对于妥善处理信访问题,减少和避免重访、越级上访有着重要意义。信访工作者在接访中应注意做到:“三心二意”。 “关心”。关心人民群众疾苦是为人民服务这一宗旨的根本体现。信访工作者作
The reception of the masses is an important work of the letters and visits department and an important form of democratic dialogue between the party, government and military authorities and the broad masses of the people. As a petitioner and worker, doing a good job of receiving the visit is of great significance for properly handling the petition, reducing and avoiding the revisit, and getting more petitions. Letters and visits workers should pay attention to the following in the interview: “Three Hearts and Two Incentives.” “concern”. The fundamental manifestation of the principle of caring for the people’s suffering is to serve the people. Letters and Visits workers make