
来源 :河南社会科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiao959907530
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近年,在广大社科研究工作者的关心和支持下,《河南社会科学》的学术质量逐步提高,社会影响也不断扩大。为了更好地彰显刊物的学术品位,我们秉持庄重、大气、简约的原则,特邀知名书籍设计师对刊物的封面、目录版式等进行了重新设计。改版后的封面更简洁大方,特种纸印刷工艺和古色古香的刊名相得益彰,更凸显了刊物的学术底蕴。期望广大读者一如既往地支持、关注我们的刊物,同时也期望给我们提出更多、更好的建议。 In recent years, under the concern and support of the majority of social science researchers, the academic quality of “Henan Social Science” has been gradually raised and its social impact has also been constantly expanded. In order to better highlight the academic tastes of publications, we uphold the principle of dignity, atmosphere and simplicity, and invite well-known book designers to redesign the covers, catalog layouts, etc. of the publications. After the revision of the cover more concise and generous, specialty paper printing process and antique titles complement each other, but also highlights the academic content of the publication. We hope that readers will, as always, support our publications and pay attention to our publications as well as expect more and better suggestions from us.
近年来,造岩矿物的研究,无论在广度或深度方面,都有很大进展。这不仅加深了对造岩矿物本身的认识,而且对提高整个矿物学的研究水平,也起着带头的作用。 在研究造岩矿物的多
介绍用电阻应变温度计和钢弦压力计进行平原水库冰温、冰压力观测的方法和初步成果 ,可供从事水库工程设计、管理的工程技术人员参考。
The outside water is transported into the water-shorted area. It is allocated among many sub-areas that composed the water-shorted area, in order to maximize th
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